Fuck you and your titties!

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I go to school the next day. I'm dressed normally, leggings, black vans, an oversized t shirt.
Did I mention I got spanked last night?
Or that I had sex two houses away from my mother?
It was worth it, I thought to myself. God, I love his twelve inch-
A locker door suddenly slammed shut, bringing me back to reality. I looked up.
He didn't even give me a second glance as he walked away.
'Bryan! Bryan!'
He was mad. As hell. He never ignored me, not like this.
I walked into chemistry class quietly. Bryan sat as far away from me as he could. If it was up to him he'd probably sit on the other side of the planet.
'Okay class, listen up. We're gonna be having an experiment on separate topics for all of you.'
Mrs Petrillo starts counting us. 'Okay, there's twelve of you. I'll separate you guys into groups-' everyone groaned '-and you'll each receive your topic. Understood?'
She started calling out names.
'Alex, you team up with Myra. Sarah, you and Jamie,' I'm not paying much attention until I hear my name.
'...Last but not least, Megan, you and Bryan!'
I let out a loud groan. Normally I'd be happy to have a project with Bryan, he's always fun to work with, but now that he's started to be bitch mode towards me...


Bryan's P.O.V
Great. Just great.
A project with Megan.
I didn't know why I was acting this way. I'm normally a cool person. But Megan was too nice a girl to be with that creep. What was he, thirty?
'Now for your project, i have 6 topics written down on scraps of paper in this hat. One person from each group has to get up and choose their project.' Great.
I reluctantly move my chair next to Megan. She doesn't meet my eyes. I don't blame her.
'Now everyone, come choose your topic.'
'I'll do it.' She says, whilst getting up.
She's wearing leggings that hug her curves perfectly. Her oversized t shirt hangs low, but not low enough to cover her ass. I feel like such a pervert, drooling at her.
I should make up with her. I'm not a kind of person to do this cold shoulder thing.
She sits down next to me. She slowly starts speaking.
'Listen uh, I'm sorry for being such a cunt and stuff. I mean it-'
'No it's my fault. I shouldn't have said all that stuff.'
We both laugh nervously. She shakes her head and says, 'C'mon, let's check what the project is about.'
We opened the piece of paper.
'Oh god.' We moan.
Are Cell Phone Conversations More Distracting than Normal Conversations?
'Gah! Fuck this.' Megan mutters, throwing the piece of paper aside.
'I say we ditch this, and go for Starbucks. How about that?'
She laughs and says, 'Sounds like a plan. However let's stay for Math and Literature, and maybe a little Geography?'
I groan. 'After Math, Literature & Geography, school will be finished you nerd.'
She grins. 'Exactly. That way we don't play hooky and still get education and Starbucks. How's that?'
'Fuck you and your titties!'

So um, I kinda died for two years. Sorry.
I'm surprised to see so many views. A lot of horny people on wattpad huh?
Anyway now that it's summer I'll try & update more.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2015 ⏰

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