We're just sex friends

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'Marc Emsy?' I'm shocked. Ally was supposed to go on a date with my hookup? Hookup. A shudder runs down my spine. The mere thought of that word reminds me I'm not a virgin. Good job bro. Before I can reply,my mom screams,'Megan! Your friend is here!' I slump down the stairs and feel shocked. No way. A certain blue-eyed,twelve inch penis boy is waiting for me. 'M-marc?' He smirks.'The one and only.' My mom giggles and runs of to call my family and tell them I got a date. Wonderful. ****** 'Why are we here?' I looked around. We—Marc and I—were at Fun Fun land. Don't get me wrong,I love amusement parks,but I doubt it's the best place to have a date or have sex. Fuck what did I just think?! Marc has been silent and it's freaking me out. He looks scary with his stony blue orbs staring straight ahead. 'I gotta pee,'

Running to the toilet. I bite my lip. What am I gonna do? This date screams awkward. If only I could hide here forever.I start thinking about the sex friends thingamajic. I finally decide to say...yes.

I run out.Marc is around a toy booth.


'Hey,' he replies. I notice him holding a stuffed bear. He hands it to me.


'Yes what?'


'Wha—' he looks stunned.

I wait for him to get everything in.He frowns.

'But there's something I've got to tell you,'

I furrow my brow.'What is it?'

With a straight face,he replies,'I'm a Dominant.'


You guys should read Perfectly Broken. This story was inspired by it.

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