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i waited for hours. Hours upon hours upon hours. Whenever I would struggle I would get electrocuted. The blanket had stopped the bleeding on my arms but they still hurt like a son of a gun. I finally heard the front door open. The door to the basement slowly opened and I saw my father stumble in obviously drunk. He stumbled over to the lever and flicked it upwards for whatever reason and walked over to me and released me from the shackles. He picked me up and set me down on a cot and rolled the cot into a tube.


He shut the door to the tube and locked it. I then heard a beep and the basement door closing. All of the sudden it started really warming up in there. I started sweating really bad. Then it hit me. The pain intensified. It got hotter by the second and the pain got so intense that I blacked out. The next morning, when I finally woke up I look down at myself and I was so tan. I almost freaked out  because I've never been than before. Also that my cuts are gone and my clothes are back on.The lock to the tube jiggled and the door opened revealing a teenager with an emoish haircut. My dad stood behind him.

"She's all yours for the week. Me and her mother are going on a vacation so the house is all yours. Do what you want to her. Take her out to a bar or use her mothers tools, which are in that black bag, to torture her. I don't care as long as it's something." He says smiling.

"Oh I'll do more than that sir" the kid replied.

"Ok well me and my wife have to go so take care got it. And you, do anything to him and you'll face something bigger then you could imagine. Oh and don't forget to watch her. I got her ready especially for you." He says yawning.

"I won't" he says while I nod. My father left and the kid walked over and caressed my face. He leaned down and...

Thought I'd give ya a break? Nope! My battery's at 3 percent so couldn't do much else. Thanks for reading recruits.

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