Chapter Two

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Sang's POV

"My name is Sang Sonata Sorenson; I will turn sixteen in October." I clung to the boy's hand, the one who had held me while we were in the flying bubble. I vaguely remembered him introducing himself as Victor Morgan. I had not been listening fully; I was lost in the fire of his eyes and the smooth baritone of his voice. Having what my mother would have called a fan girl moment, he was that dreamy.

"What grade are you in?" Victor asked, as if it was important.

"I have never gone to school," I replied. "I have always done my lessons at home using my thinking cap."

"Thinking cap," all four Krinar looked puzzled.

"When my parents adopted me, they were given items that were said to belong to my birth family. Included were my thinking cap, some sparkly jewelry and learning toys. They were told that I would need them one day to prove who I am."

"Where are they?" Asked the Krinar called Voret, his voice gruff.

"They are hidden at the house I was taken from."

"Why hide them from your parents, weren't they the ones who gave them to you?" Korum, the youngest of the males, asked as he studied me as if he was trying to see inside my head.

"My parents were killed in a car accident a few months ago," my voice became softer. "The person at the house, the man was a third cousin of my father's. He took me in because he thought he would be able to gain control of my trust fund and inheritance from my parents. "Only..." I frowned. "His wife is very jealous and I think he has been cheating on her. She really hates me, believing that I am his bastard daughter from a previous affair. He never confirms or denies it, making me think he is using me as a distraction." I dropped that line of thought and continued. "The house belongs to me, as do the woods on both sides of the street. It is a part of my inheritance, so they don't have to pay rent or taxes."

"One of the Krinar must take her to collect everything from the house; we don't want any humans stumbling onto them." Arus pointed out.

"The Guardians would have sealed the house; she may not be able to get in on her own." Korum offered.

"Child, you say you own the house and woods, do you mind if our people use it when they are traveling for Krinar business?" Voret asked, "It would mean we must make changes to it, of course."

"I inherited several houses," I replied quickly. "If the Krinar can help me remove them from my guardian's control, I would be happy to allow them to be used by our people."

"You knew you were Krinar, from another planet?" Ellet seemed surprised by this.

"The thinking cap told me," I smiled shyly at her. "It taught me about both Krina and Earth, their histories, their people and so much more."

"Arus, you will free her and her inheritance from these people." Voret ordered, "We cannot allow humans to control Krinar children and their possessions. Victor, are you in the same position?"

"Yes," he confirmed. "I was hoping I could tag along. My car is at my friend's house, which is across the street from Sang's. I would like to take it to my home and leave it there, where it is sheltered."

"Very well," Voret nodded arrogantly. "Arus, you will free the children from the human's control. Korum, you escort the children and take readings of their homes for our engineers. I will see that the land between our homes are deeded to them and have a house built."

"They will remain on Earth?" Ellet sounded concerned at this news.

"We cannot spare anyone to escort them to Krina at the moment, it is also best that young Victor is caught up to Sang in his education before they leave us. They need to learn how to use their mental shields and to have the language translator implanted."

"Our mind expert is not here yet; I can do the implant and prepare the information he will need." Ellet offered. "I would also like to give them the nanos we give the charl. They have years of not eating properly and their bodies will be sluggish in healing the damage." Ellet offered.

"You can prepare everything while they are with Korum," Voret gave his approval.

I went to take a shower and dress in human clothing, knowing we needed to hide our heritage for now. The shower was just as I thought it would be, utterly amazing. The multiple heads with the massaging water flow, the water adjusted automatically to the temperature that I preferred. The clean feel of the soap and its fresh scent and lack of residue that human soap always left on your skin. Once I finished and stepped out, the air whirled around me to dry my skin and hair while my mouth felt as if I had just brushed my teeth. I slipped on the white sundress that someone had prepared for me, pleased by its perfect fit. It had a silver belt and small white crystals on the right shoulder and the left bottom half of the skirt. I put on the high-heeled sandals that matched the dress as I thought of my dead mother. We used to have fun shopping, she had always loved seeing the latest styles and making me try them on. We used to find the most outlandish combinations and send pictures of us wearing them to my father. He would forbid us from buying them, sending us into hysterical giggles. I missed them so much, I thought as I blinked back tears. Our life together had been wonderful, in spite of the vicissitudes going on in our lives. We lived each day to the fullest and as if it was the last day we would have together as a family. I had thought I would be the one leaving them when the Krinar came for me or I would have to move away before people noticed that I had stopped aging. I never thought I would lose them so soon or that they would die so young.

Once we were in the pod and heading back to Charleston, Korum made each of us the metal band we had seen other Krinar wearing. They were a combination of a mini computer, cell phone and tracking device. Victor was fascinated and peppered Korum with questions, much to my amusement. That did not mean that I did not pay attention to their conversation, as I was just as interested.

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