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Owen's POV

"How did you end up here? I thought the Krinar had mandated that you would never enter one of their Centers and now you are living in one. Why did you let me think you were dead?"" Sean demanded once the others left to give a chance to talk privately.

"I did die," I was honest with him. "They had to restart my heart three times while I was on the operating table, the damage was so bad and the coma, they knew I wouldn't survive. When you called Luke to tell him I was near death, he told the others. They had already known since they had Guardians watching over us for our safety. My mother and the boys appealed to the Council to allow their Human Biologist to examine me to see if there was anything she could do. Dr. Roberts contacted the hospital, telling the doctor in charge that three specialists were flying in to examine me. With the help of Sang and Victor, Ellet was able to stabilize me enough to bring me to her lab here in Lenkarda. Sang and Victor used my DNA and stem cells to grow new organs to replace the ones that were badly damaged in the accident, and then assisted Ellet in transplanting them into my body. I remained in a coma while my body healed."

"But why keep it a secret from me?" Sean was upset.

"They didn't know if it would work and they didn't want to raise your hopes in case I didn't survive. Sean, it wasn't easy for them. They weren't sure that my body would accept the transplants or if I was strong enough to survive the surgeries. They had to grow the organs I needed from cellular level, which took time and hard work, constant dedication on their part."

"Then who did I bury in your place?"

"My father."

"It seems we now have centuries for me to learn everything about your miraculous recovery, so I have other questions for you." Sean was frowning.

"Ask," I was amused. It was good to have my best friend at my side once more; it hadn't been the same without him.

"The Krinar, what limitations have they placed on you?"

"Unlike the boys, I cannot become a Guardian or certain other careers, nor can I be in charge of any group. It is not forever, I have two hundred years to prove myself. My stepfather is responsible for my actions, if I break their laws he will share in my punishment. I'm not allowed to leave the Center without a guard and that is for the best, I find myself getting overwhelmed at times as my recovery continues. I haven't decided my career path as of yet, I am being allowed to investigate several to find the one I will most enjoy. I am lucky that they believe in rehabilitation and not the punishments that our own people do."

"So, everything is all right between you and Victor now?"

"No, while he has forgiven me, he does not trust me."

"That isn't fair," he protested, "you aren't responsible for what Agatha did to you."

"I wasn't completely innocent," I had to be blunt. "I'm the one who decided Victor should support us all, my arrogance had me believing that I deserved everything I wanted. I knew that the violin I had didn't belong to me, I lied to myself and kept it hidden. I judged others unfairly, thinking myself better than them when I was beneath them." I held up my hand to stop him from speaking. "I judged an entire race without having the facts, a race that kept my mother alive until I was free of Agatha's clutches. I considered them monsters when the real monster had been my father and I. I claimed the boys as my brothers, but I was never once honest with them. I treated them like children and tried to control every aspect of their lives, certain it was my god-given right. I demanded that they trust me and gave no trust in return; I did the same with you."

"Owen, you are being too hard on yourself."

"I'm not, in fact, I am not being hard enough on myself. The Krinar removed the Mind Control the first time; I'm the one who kept going back to Agatha even though I knew what she was doing was wrong. I didn't care, the most important thing to me was the resurrection of the Academy and my team becoming the  lead team. I would have forfeited every one of you to see it happen, a team is easily replaced, and the Academy isn't."

"I don't believe that," he frowned. "You have only wanted the best for all of us." Sean had a kind heart; he believed the best of those he loved. While it was true that I wasn't unredeemable, I couldn't afford to forget the mistakes I had made. My mother was right; I had become my father during those years we were apart. I had a lot to learn and to make up for, what I held close is that they didn't let me die when they could have.

Fifty Years Later

The eight males stood in a group as they watched the screen as the first pods seeded Mars, the first step in terra forming it into an inhabitable planet. Seven of them had a hand in it, giving it their best. Victor, along with his mate, worked on the transforming of the planet itself. Kota, who worked on the power supply needed to transform the planet. Silas, he worked on the oceans that would help provide oxygen and sea creatures. North, he helped to determined what plants would be needed for food and medicines. Gabriel, he assisted in developing the minerals and nutrients all life required to thrive. Nathan, he had helped to build the probes that were delivering the gathered material to alter an existing world. They were listening now to Luke's voice as it came from the speaker. "All probes are in place," he reported. "Once we are at a safe distance, Korum and Sang will start the chain reaction. Ten... Nine... Eight... Seven...

Luke was one of the two humans who were pilots of Krinar space vessels; Uncle was the other. Owen made his own contributions by belonging to the group who were looking for other planets that could be altered to sustain life, both Krinar and humans. Sean worked with Dr. Roberts to grow the cloned organs for those in need, mainly children who never had the chance to live a normal life. Adults seemed to lack an enzyme that allowed them to accept the organs; they were struggling to replicate the results achieved with Owen.

Raven was a Guardian, one of Alir's Captains. Axel worked with Silas in Oceanography; Marc joined Mia and Adam in the Mind Clinic. Kevin was studying to be a pilot; Brandon worked for Korum in Design, while Corey continued to devote himself to his beloved computers, but with more accelerated models.

While never perfect, life was good and the future was bright. Dreams were shared and all worked together to make them reality.

Thank you for sharing my journey into writing. :D

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