chapter 3

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The week has gone, its been a shit week if I'm honest! It's a saturday morning and I'd thought I would go for a coffee so I head to the nearest starbucks... As I'm sitting staring out the window enjoying the view I notice a black car pulling up my eyes are fixed on the thin, handsome man exiting the car, I roll my eyes as I notice its gary barlow.. I keep my eyes staring outside the window so I don't draw his attention and its worked so I take my eyes away from the window and start to read a magazine.. I notice that a figure has appeared on the chair opposite, I slowly look up and see its the figure I seen before ' hey, you're the waitress that served me and the boys on monday right?' He says with a soft voice ' yeah I am' I give a simple response ' sorry, I never catched your name' he smiles at me ' abbie' ' well abbie, would you be interested in a drink sometimes?' He questions ' I don't go for drinks with a bloke I've only known for 5 minutes' I snap ' well I'll take you out for lunch tomorrow and we can get to know each other' he smiles softly ' I'm busy sorry' I say standing up and begin to walk out of the shop ' well at least give me your number ' I hear him shout but I choose to ignore him.

As I go for a stroll in the park with buster my dog, well not mine its jacks, my ex boyfriend but he never wanted to keep the dog and I couldn't put it in a kennel so I thought it be best if I kept him, I sit down at the nearest bench and start to think to myself ' why did my life take such a bad turn?, everything was going great, I had an amazing boyfriend who cared so much for me, we were so happy but the last year has been horrible, he would always be away, he would never spend time with me, and when we did we would hardly speak! , I wanted the relationship to work but the bastard couldn't keep his hands off other woman! I just hope something good happens soon, I don't think I can take living this life like this anymore' I give a soft sigh..

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