Sixteen: Bonding *Liams P.O.V*

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Liams P.O.V:

I stood with my arms folded over my chest loosely. I was watching Kenny and Skye with a confused expression on my face. I didn't understand. Skye had told me that she had nightmares about the incident but not full on panic attack sort of nightmares.

I watched as Kenny finally brought her back and she ended up falling asleep on him. My jaw clenched, for some reason I wanted her to be asleep in my arms. Who am I kidding? I knew why I wanted her to be asleep in my arms. I still loved her.

I blinked out of my thoughts as Kenny gently lowered her to the ground, placing her in their make-shift bed. Do they sleep in the same bed? At the thought of that my jaw clenched and I suddenly became angry.

I sighed, running a hand through my hair, "Does this always happen?" I asked, breaking the silence.

He looked up at me and sighed sitting back, placing his hands on his legs. He shrugged, "Sometimes." he said, not looking directly at me, but rather at Skye.

I nodded, "How did you know what to do?" I asked, looking up at him.

He sighed, running a hand through his blonde hair. He finally looked up at me, "I just do I guess." he said shrugging, "You just have to try get her to listen to you and only you." he told me, "Tell her that its going to be okay." he shrugged again, "It works I guess."

I swallowed, "Thanks." I muttered after a while, he looked up at me, his face showed surprise.

"For what?" he asked, his brow furrowing slightly.

"For taking care of her." I answered.

He nodded understanding and looked back at Skye. He smiled slightly as if remembering something, "You know she does love you." he said after  while, his smile fading slightly.

I raised my eyebrows, "How do you know? She made it clear to me that she liked you."

He sighed, "Sometimes I wonder." he said, running a hand through his hair again, "When I first met her, she kept telling me that she had a boyfriend. She wouldn't let me even look at her." he chuckled looking up at me, "And I guess after time, she just ended up believing that you had died. She had panic attacks, and I was the only one to help her. Sometimes I wonder if that's really the only reason she likes me." he said, "Because I help her get though the attacks."

I was left speechless, looking down at Skye, "Do you?" I asked, making him raise his eyebrows and look at me in question, "Do you love her?" I corrected myself.

He swallowed, glancing at her before sighing and nodding, "I think I do." he told me, and I felt my hands clench into fists.

"She's different you know?" he asked, looking at me, "I don't know whether she told you but," he paused, "When I first saw her she held a knife to my throat." he chuckled as if it was a memorable moment. Which it probably was. Who wouldn't remember having a girl hold a knife to your throat?

"Did she cut you?" I asked, my eyes wide slightly. The Skye I knew would never hurt anyone. Not even a bug with bug-spray, let lone threaten someone with a knife, of all things.

He shook his head, "No, but she did throw the knife at me afterwards when I was being a smart." he smirked down at her.

"Did she hit you?" I asked, throwing a knife? I would never had guessed.

He shook is head again, "No but it hit the tree behind me, right above my head." he chuckled.

I stood silently with my hands in my pockets, looking down at Skye. Watching her sleep soundly.

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