Nine: Fire

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My eyes fluttered open. I felt weak and aching. My mind was fuzzy and I felt so slow. I turned and felt something warm beside me. I snuggled up to whatever it was and shivered. I started to shake slightly from the cold, "Skye?"

My eyes opened again as I looked up. Kenny was looking down at me, and was smiling widely, "You're awake." He breathed.

I raised an eyebrow, "Yes?" I said slowly, making it more of a question. I could hear the rain pouring outside.

He smiled and rested his forehead on mine in relief. His eyes were closed as he answered, "I thought you wouldn't." he said, "You were so cold. You were literally blue and purple. You were shaking from the cold even though you were asleep, and I was so scared you were going to die." he said, his voice cracking slightly.

My eyes widened slightly as I remembered. I looked down at myself and saw that I was changed into fresh clothes. A mink blanket was wrapped around me as I looked back up at him, "Y-you did this?" I asked quietly.

He looked up at me and nodded. I smiled slightly and hugged him weakly, "I'm sorry." I said quietly, "I shouldn't have-" my voice cracked, "I should've listened to you." I said and closed my eyes.

His arms wrapped around me, "it's okay. You're here now right?" he asked.

I nodded and held onto his shirt lightly. It felt like my fingers weren't working properly. They were slow  and I was shaking slightly. I could feel his breath on my neck as I thought about yesterday.

I remember seeing Angela. She was at the camp. With a toddler. My eyes opened, "We need to go back." I said suddenly, lifting my head. But then groaning as the blood rushed into my head, making me wince.

He looked at me, "I don't think that's such a good idea." he said.

I stared at him, "Why?" I asked, "Angela's there. I need to go find her-" I said and tried to stand up.

He grabbed my wrists and pulled me down again, "Umm the last time we went there you had a panic attack." he said and looked at me.

I sighed. He was right. I did have a panic attack yesterday. I stopped struggling and he let go of my wrists. I sat down and stared at my feet.

He sighed, "Are you sure it was Angela?" he asked, "The girl could've just reminded you of h-"

"It was her." I said firmly, "I know. It was her." I said.

He sighed and nodded, "Maybe we could go when the storm passes." he said, looking at the green tarpaulin hanging up around us.

I looked over at the tarpaulin and sighed. I nodded, "Okay." I said and lay back down. I stared at the tarp above me and played with the blanket between my fingers.

He stood up and pulled off his shirt. He stuffed it in his sack and was now just wearing his shorts. I sat up again and combed through my hair. I stood up and groaned as my limbs ached.

Kenny was at my side in seconds and placed his hand on my shoulder, "Are you okay?" he asked, looking at me.

I had my hands clasped together and I was shaking. I nodded slightly, "Just a bit cold." I said and lifted my head slightly.

He bit his lip and lay me down again. He picked up the blankets and wrapped them around me, "You need to stay here and keep warm." he said.

I blinked slowly and sighed, "fine." I muttered, closing my eyes. I could feel him move beside me and I pressed myself closer to him as the heat radiated off his body. I smiled slightly as he hugged me tightly, keeping me warm.

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