Ep 21: The Power of courage

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I do not own digimon
I do not own any of the characters
I do not own the script
Digimon is owned by Toaianimation
I only own Skylar and a few other fan made characters

In the passageway inside the sphinx, Izzy was sitting down typing at his computer while looking at the computer projections. Outside, Tai, Matt, Mimi and Joe and I sat around a campfire, talking. Tentomon tried to remind us all of what happen so far.

Tentomon: When Datamon was unable to get his revenge on Etemon, he kidnapped Sora and Biyomon and took off.

Joe: But we don't have a clue where to start looking for them. Besides, we could all end up dead - or worse!

Me: Your right but Sora would come and save us. If it was any of us in trouble.

Tai:  Skylar is right. What if Datamon does something to hurt Sora while we sit here on our butts?

(All of us are eating.)

Labramon took a bite out of his apple munching on it happily. The dog's tail was wagging slowly. He did enjoy his food. He seem completely oblivious to the troubling situation at hand.

Matt: Look Tai, he's already beaten our brains out once. What makes you think he won't do it again? We need to come up with a plan before we go anywhere.

Mimi: This is more depressing than a soap opera...

Me: Which one?

Mimi: Teen mom...

(A little way away, TK sits with the other digimon, besides Biyomon of course.)

TK: We better get some sleep. I'll stay next to you guys just in case any of you get scared.

Palmon: Yeah!

Agumon: Sure.

Gabumon: Well, thanks!

TK: Goodnight guys...

They went to sleep. T.K. was just trying to be brave. I could tell that he was also worried for Sora. I hope we could save her.

(Later on, after TK and the digimon have gone to sleep, the fire dies down. We kept on discussing.)

Me: This just seems so difficult, it's like solving a hard math question. What should we even do?

Matt: It's tough not knowing what to do.

Tai: The minute I saw what was happening, I should've gone after her...

Me: Tai I should have done something. I was the closet to her when Datamon grabbed her.

Joe: It's no use blaming yourself, Tai. We're really all to blame.

Matt: Yeah. And we're going to find a way to get her back.

Izzy: Hey! I've got it! I know where Sora is!

Me: You do!?

(The others all rush into the sphinx, even TK and the digimon (who have woken up). A projection shows the upside-down pyramid, with another right-side-up pyramid underneath it. A room is marked inside the other one.)

Izzy: I think Datamon only pretended to take her away, when in reality they've been right here the whole time.

Me: Okay Izzy, you have now become Gennai and you have lost me.

Labramon: Agreed, I didn't understand anything you just said.

Tai: Are you telling me they're still here in the pyramid?

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