Ep 33: A burning man

850 20 18

Digimon adventure
I do not own digimon
I do not own any of the characters
I do not own the script
Digimon is owned by Toaianimation
I only own Skylar and a few other fan made characters


Myotismon: Ahh, darkness, the perfect cloak for my evil. Ideal conditions for producing fear. Human blood always tastes better with a dash of fear in it.

Woman: *gasp* What is that? A carriage? *whimpers* *screams*


Demidevimon: I hate this fog! Master, where are you? I'm getting mildew on my wings! Aha! Finally! Sheesh, he couldn't take a cab like everyone else? At last, I was starting to worry.

Myotismon: Calm down. I went out to have a bite to eat and to get familiar with the city. It is always so difficult to get a good meal when one is away from home.

Demidevimon: Yeah. Right. So what do we do next boss?

Myotismon: We are continuing the search for the ninth child. The details are of no concern to you.

Demidevimon: Well, as I always say 'uh, whatever you say.'

[Tai's Room]

Tai: Come on, where did I put that thing? Junk. Stuff. More junk. More stuff. Man, I was a messy kid. I can't believe how unorganized I was. Woah oh. (books fall on top of Tai and Agumon)

Kari: Whatcha doing?

Tai: Looking for my old phonebook. It'll have exactly what I need.

Agumon: And I'm helping.

Kari: How come?

[Kamiya's Kitchen]

Newscaster: And now today's top story: The monsters that are plaguing the city. Still no official comment on where the creatures are from. We will keep you updated throughout the day. Meanwhile, in other news, health officials report young women all over the city are being hospitalized for anemia....

(doorbell rings)

Mrs. Kamiya: Just a moment.

Newscaster: No one knows if the cases are connected, but doctors are voicing concern that so many seemingly healthy young women are being struck down so suddenly.

Mrs. Kamiya: Tai, it's your friend Izzy.

Tai: Coming! *humming*

Agumon: (tripps) oops!

Kari: *Giggles*


Tai: Hey.

Izzy: Hey, ready to go? Agumon you Digivolved!

Agumon: You bet! All I needed was a good meal.

Tentomon: Psst! It's me.

Tentomon was wearing a green hoodie

Tai: Tentomon. Nice disguise, dude.

Tentomon: Thanks, Tai. I put it together myself.

Tai: Wait til Mimi sees you.

Agumon: Tai, I need one, too.

Tai: Yeah, any ideas?

Agumon: Mmm-hmm.


Tai: Yeah, real inconspicuous.

Agumon is wearing a rain coat and a beanie on top of his head.

Digimon adventure (Under Editing) Where stories live. Discover now