Quiet nights

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Nagisa starred out the window of his house. He had just gotten home from the day with Rei-chan. His boyfriend. Nagisa smiled at that thought. Rei was now not only his saver, and love. But his boyfriend. He layed down in bed and decided to go on his iphone. He scrolled through instagram when he come upon a message from two days ago.

"Hey you fucking gay fag. You should of killed yourself when you had the chance! No one needs a worthless piece of shit like you on this earth. Go cut yourself some more and while your at it, take 100 pills! No one would care if you died tonight!"

Nagisa drops his phone on his bed, shocked. Who the fuck would say that?! He bows his head, trying to keep tears from coming out. "No one would care if i died tonight.." He repeats. "No one needs a worthless piece of shit like me on this earth." Nagisa slowly reaches under his pillow and grabs his swiss army knife. "You should of killed yourself when you had the chance" He says, as he puts the blade to his wrist. He laughs. "He's right." One slash. "Im worth nothing" Another one. "No one cares about me" Two more. "I could kill myself and it wouldnt phatom anyone" This time, he drags the knife vertically along his veins. He knows this is the death area. But does he care? No. All Nagisa wanted atm was to be dead. He slashes his arm in one long moition, blood spilling everywhere. He picks up his Iphone and dials Rei-chans number. After two rings, he picks up. "Hey Nagisa-kun!" He says cheerfully. "Rei, i love you. It was good knowing you, and being your boyfriend for a few hours. But honestly, its my time to go. Goodbye Rei-chan. Please dont forget me." And before Rei can reply, Nagisa drops the phone and blacks out.

Rei frantically dials 911 as he jumps into his car "911 whats you-" "Hi my name is Rei Ryazugi, my boyfriend Nagisa Hazuki is in danger. I think he is gonna try and kill himself. Please go to 1267 Iwatobi Street now. My boyfriend could be dead any minute" and with that he throws his phone in the back and starts driving at top speed towards Nagisa's house. He runs red lights but he doesnt give two shits. Nagisa was the only thing that mattered right now. And for all Rei knew, he could be dead.

Rei arrives just minutes before the ambulance does. He kicks down the door in one swift movement, and runs into the deserted house. He trys to open Nagisa's door, but its locked. He uses all of his strenght and slams into the door, breaking it. He runs into Nagisa's room, and there he see's his worst nightmare. Nagisa is in his bed, wrist slashed in a pool of blood. Motionless. Rei practially leeps over to Nagisa's bed and picks up Nagisa in one swift movement. "NAGISA!" He yells at the top of his lungs. No reply. "No!! Stay with me!!" No reply. "Nagisa No!!! I love you!! Stay with me" No reply. Tears are now streaming down Rei-chans face, harder than ever before. He shakes Nagisa but the boy doesnt even stur. By then, the ambulance was here and they were taking Nagisa away. Rei runs and gets into the ambulance with Nagisa and the medics. "Sir we need you to-" "No!! This is my boyfriend, im fucking staying with him" He grabs Nagisa's lifeless hand and hold tight. The nurse looks at him with pity, and sighs. They start taking off towards the hospital, in all attempts to save Nagisa's life.

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