Is it time?

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*Time skip 2 months*

Nagisa sits at the edge of his bed, poundering his next move. He gets up and shuffles across the room, grabbing his phone from the desk. He opens it and beings typing.

"hey rei-chan"

He sets his phone back down and walks into the bathroom. "You've got this Nagisa." He says starring in the mirror. He sighs and grabs a brush to fix up his hair. Why was he nervous? Him and Rei have been dating for over two months now. Whats to be nervous about? I mean yeah, its there first actual date besides chilling at home after suicide attempts....

Nagisa chuckles to himself. Lets not make that a usual, he thinks to himself. As he walks back into his room, he hears the chime of his phone notifying that he had gotten a text. Nagisa runs over to his desk and checks it

"Hello my precious Nagisa"

Nagisa squeeks. He quickly texts back.

"im really excited for our date today"

"My too. I cant wait to spend the day with my most prized possesion"

Nagisa almost looses it at this point.

"aw rei i love you"

"I love you too babe"

Rei puts his phone down on his bed and goes to pick out a outfit. He stares into his arrangment of clothes, poundering what to wear. He decided on a white t-shirt that had "BMTH" in black on it, blue skinny jeans, and a black jacket. He grabs his phone and wallet and runs out the door.

Nagisa has been waiting for 10 minutes. Well, granted, he was 20 minutes early. He always is. He prefers to be earlier rather than on time, because on time means your already late. He checks his watch for about the 10th time that minute.


He groans in frustration. "If you keep that up ill be forced to restrain myself" Nagisa turns around and comes face to face with a huge boy. The boy that beat him up. He slowly backs away, one step at a time. But the boy grabs his shoulders and pulls him foreward. "Im gonna make sure you never walk again." He grunts as he picks up Nagisa, who is now screaming. He thrashes in place and the big boys hand slaps over his mouth, muffling his screams. Just as he was going to sexually harras him, Nagisa hears a voice call out for him. "Nagisa-kun!" Its Rei, running at top speed towards Nagisa and the boy. The attacker drops Nagisa and bolts off in the opposite direction. "N-Na-Gisa.." he says through loud inhales. Rei puts a hand on Nagisa's shoulder. "Are you okay?" He whispers. Nagisa nods his head and then they start walking towards there destination. They had planned this date out about a week ago. There destination: A anime convention.

"Rei, i really want to go to that anime convention" He says while being cuddled by Rei. Rei kisses Nagisa's neck and smiles. "When is it baby?" Nagisa grabs his phone and pulls up the info. "Next saturday." he points out. Rei reads the sheat of info and sighs. "Of course Nagisa-kun. Lets make it a date." Nagisa looks at Rei. "A d-date?" he whispers. He looks down at his toes. "Ive never been on a date before." he sighs. Rei chuckles a little before pulling Nagisa into a kiss. They kiss for about 5 minutes before Rei pulls away and says "Yes."

The couple walks into the convention right as its opening. Immediently, Nagisa lights up. He sees a person dressed as Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul and flips. "My favorite characther omg!!!" He squeels. Rei grabs Nagisa's hand and they start walking around the booths, buying to there hearts content.

After dropping off the 300$ worth of Code Gease and Attack on Titan and other various anime items, Rei decided it was time for something fun. "Nagisa-kuuuunnn." he says with a smile. He pulls out a big red sticker with the number 5 on it and places it on Nagisa's sweater. Nagisa gives Rei a confused look. "Whats this for?" He ask with a giggle. Rei just laughs and takes Nagisa's hand and leads them to the back of the room. Thats when Nagisa see's the huge poster.

"Anime Japan's Anual Kareoke Contest!!"

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