|Black Ops 3|He Zhen Zhen (seraph) x Reader (Lemon)

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A/N-I'm just going to call her Zhen ok?Her first name can get a little confusing.

"I'm SOOO Bored" I groan flipping over on my back so my head was on the couch arm.Zhen looked of from her book with a bored expression."Read a book then."She replied coolly.Suddenly I felt a light bulb power up in my head and snapped my fingers"How about we invite Alessandra and Erin Baker over!".Zhen's eyebrows raise slightly,but her eyes never left her book."The you make the phone call."she says in a obvious monotone voice."ugh I'm too lazy today"I say flipping my hands behind my head spinning on the ball of my foot.

I walk over behind Zhen "what 'cha readin' anyways?"I ask.Zhen's cheeks turn pink slightly."A romance..."She mumbles embarrassingly.My eyes scan over the page stopping at "she moaned to the touch of her finger." I feel my whole face heating up at those words."I-I uh presume this is a Sexual lesbian romance novel?"I say ,pulling on the collar of my shirt in an attempt to let out heat.Zhen nods closing the book and reaching for her cup of tea sipping it casually.She looks up from her cup and states rather bluntly "If your so bored let's have sex,Don't worry since it is your first time I'll go gentle."

"I...uh..um?" I stutter still repeated what my girlfriend just said in my head,feeling my face get hotter and hotter each second.Zhen sighs and puts the tea cup on the table beside her.She stands up walking towards me in a dominant matter.Zhen then (lol rhymes) rests one hand under the back of my knee and rests the other under my shoulder lifting me up and carrying me to the bedroom.I look up Zhen,her hazel eyes looking straight forward ahead of her."I love you Zhen."I mumble loosely wrapping my arms around her neck.I feel myself gently being lowered to the bed,as apposed to being lowered onto the bed,Zhen undresses herself painfully and unbearably slow.

Almost forgetting to breathe I gasp as I look at Zhen's boby,Admiring it.Cuts,scars,and bruises spiraling down her body like an etched in painting."Your Turn." Zhen had said resting her finger tips on the hem of my shirt lifting up the soft fabric up,trailing small kisses up my abdomen.Forgetting to breathe ,yet again I inhale letting a rush of seemingly warm air in my lungs.After removing my shirt,Zhen then wraps her arms around my upper back in devotion to remove my bra.I gently rest bother of my hands on Zhen's jawline,Bringing her face up to mine,locking her in a passionate kiss.I couldn't help but break the kiss to let out a shaky moan as in the kiss Zhen had removed the bra and had snuck her hands on my chest.The raven-haired beauty above me had pinned my wrists above my head and gently pressed her knee between my legs,dragging a low moan out of me.Sensing my impatience,Zhen then removed my panties.Breaking Zhen's grip, I cupped my hands over the area between my legs shaking my head frantically.

"Don't worry,I'll be gentle"zhen's words made me feel the slightest bit better about my self.She rests her hand on top of my lower area,making rush in a intake of air.Swift as she is Zhen inserts a finger inside me.I arch my back feeling one of Zhen's fingers moving inside me.The pistol wielder/score booster wrapps and arm round my middle back supporting my weight.Feeling my climax coming soon I started releasing short ,but frequent moans.Suddenly my body crashes,as my body starts shaking uncontrollably and twitching in certain areas.Thrusts get slower as Zhen eases me out of my orgasm.I collapse on the bed locking Zhen in a reckless kiss.I feel my eyes drooping shut as I mutter "I love you my Sweet Zhen."

A/N-Sorry for not updating,I was kinda busy ,but now that it is summer ,I can write a bit more.I have gone back to an old fandom I used to really be obsessed about since i started Playing.No not hetalia,i dont think I will get back into that one.The fandom is Warcraft or World of Warcraft.I haven't seen the movie yet to can you guys PM me how it is.I don't care about spoilers!!!

Fandoms I am currently in

Madoka magica (I am never getting out of this fucking fandom)

Warcraft/World of Warcraft (Ilove blizzard entertainment)(Playing since It came out and still am)

Durarara (I wish there was a bit more yuri in that one)

Sasameki Koto

Yuri Kuma Arashi ( shut the fuck up,I love my lesbian bears)*cuddles ginko plushie*

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