|World of Warcraft| Sylvanas Windrunner x reader (Sparring AU)

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A/N-I just bought World of Warcraft ,a game I have not played in 5 years holy shit am I satisfied.Sylvanas is probably My number 1# crush in all of my life (shut the fuck up I know she doesn't exist). She is my only girl crush other than Homura Akemi from Madoka Magica.

Sylvanas Windrunner,hearing the name echo through your head sent shivers down your spine. She was your MMA sparring partner and you were screwed for life. The undead Elven beauty known as Sylvanas was probably the most experienced in fighting than anyone,she could wield a bow and was trained in other forms of weaponry,but mostly the bow ! . What also scared you is that you may or may not have a mildly big crush on the elf.

The students around you were chuckling whispering things on the lines of-

"Purple belt against a black belt,she will never stand a chance."

"Especially against Sylvanas Windrunner!"

"I almost pity her"

The students were silenced as Sylvanas had walked in. The elven beauty surprisingly took a seat  next to you. You didn't dare sneak a glance at her,instead you looked straight ahead not realizing that your eyebrows were intensely furrowed together.

"(name) calm down,whats bothering you?You can tell me." The undead elf  said,running a hand gently down the side of cheek . A hot blush blurred on your face as she was doing that gesture,the blush did not go unnoticed by Sylvanas as she did not make it obvious. "No nothings r-really going on,just tense is all."  The blue skinned elf just nodded in reply,unconvinced by (name)'s answer ,but decided to let it go.     

Sylvanas ,a little suspicious decided to try something during the match.

"(Name)and Sylvanas Windrunner your up. " Fear tore through your body until a cold hand girpped your shoulder and had turned you around.

"Hey are you sure your okay?" Sylvanas asked ,concern laced in her voice.

You shook your head frantically shaking your hands in protest.

"N-no I'm fine,just a little nervous."  You managed to sputter out.

"Ok,Whatever you say."

Sylvanas says obviously unconvinced yet again.

"good luck" one of your friends had said. You smiled at them and waved.

As soon as the two of you were settled in the fighting cage,The Instructors booming voice echoed


The Two of you circled each other till you did a spinning back fist hitting her in the stomach. You heard some of the students gasp. You drop down to her waist and hook your hands behind her knees in an attempt to do a double legged take down. Unfortunately Sylvanas had put both of her hands behind your shoulders and had shoved you roughly to the ground. Then the highborne flipped you so you were on your back facing her and maneuvered your body and herself so no one could see anything ,but Sylvanas's back. Sylvanas had pinned your wrists on either side of your head.

Sylvanas had moved her head closer towards yours and had locked you in a passionate kiss slipping her tongue inside your mouth,gently caressing yours and had felt you kiss back. You felt her knee between your legs and pressing gently against your groin. You had felt a throbbing ache in your groin,fire between your legs and Sylvanas too had felt the throbbing between your legs and  pressed harder dragging a small moan out of you. Feeling her bow callused fingers running down your spine sent a tingling sensation through out your body. She then pulled away and pretended to throw punches until the Instructor had dismissed class.

As you were walking towards your car you were spun around by a cold undead hand that belonged to Sylvanas. You decide to ask "How did you know?".

Sylvanas Chuckled lightly.

"Don't think I didn't see those blushes all those times I had any physical contact with you."

Sylvanas kissed you one more time and had walked away. You put a hand to where Sylvanas kissed you and thought of the kiss.

.As you were driving home you got a text from your friend.

What exactly happened in there?

And so you decided to tell her everything.

A\N-This is the fanfic that got deleted and had to re write.Well fucking finally the original was better though.I know this book is filled with characters you probably don't even know about,but that is the purpose of this book.to write x readers that Don't even have x reader's on them.I kinda wish there was more madoka magica x fem!readers.

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