|Science!| Veronica S. x Reader Drabble

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  "Veronica stop that fells weird!"

"Jesus hold still for a moment (name!), I need the measurements!"

You and Veronica were currently lab partners trying to measure each other. A cold metal ruler a pressed against your cheek. Veronica was apparently measuring the distance between you eye and your mouth.

Her eyes stared your lips for the longest moment before snapping back to reality. You seeing this smirked lightly "Enjoying the view?"

Veronica's cheeks flushed crimson as she broke apart from your face quickly to scribble down the measurement "9 centimeters." 

"Kiss already!"

You and Veronica glance over to the voice. Heather Chandler had her arms crossed as she rolled her eyes sarcastically before going back to measuring Heather Duke.

Veronica shrugged before grabbing your shoulders and pulling you towards her. "Ronica' what are you-"
Lips connected with yours in a soft kiss. Not knowing what to do you out your hands on either side of her face pulling her closer. whistles were heard from behind you. "Yeeaaah (name)!" Kurt and Ram shouted from the seat behind. Veronica silenced them with a searing glare before returning to you.

"Date tomorrow at 7:00pm ? Yes or no?" She said.

You smiled warmly at her "Sure! I'd love to!"

With that Heather McNamara and JD filmed the whole thing silently.

A/N I know this is short as heck but it's something to read for the mean while.

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