|House of Cards| Chandler x Depressed Reader

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A/N- This is the first request on this book so yep. Heather might be a bit OOC so yeah with that aside here you go.

Here you go Thesadcat132

     It was may of your junior year of highschool and classes were crash-coursing through all their lesson plans as well as AP exams right around the corner. The other Heathers were parading around the school in their traffic light regalia except Chandler, who's parents put her in homeschool for getting a B- in her math class which was quite a shame. Highschool wasn't the same with out her.

The stress of completing a very difficult test weighed down on your shoulders as well as some other issues. In your 4th period you broke down quietly in the back while the world moved on. Your steps echoed through the empty hallway as you walked to find a secluded corner in the building to huddle into.


You had bumped into someone and quickly rushed to past them squeaking out a speedy sorry. A hand stopped your march into no where and had spun you around to face them. You looked up and felt your body freeze over in the icy tundra of shock.

There, clad in red, was Heather Chandler. You reared up and hugged her tightly letting the year's worth of stress all out. She returned the embrace hesitantly, and was genuinely confused.

"Hey hey waterworks Wanda, did you miss me that much? Are you alright?." Heather asked rocking you side-to-side soothingly in her arms. You let go of her and hiccuped slightly as your eyes were puffy from the intensity of your tears.

"Can we talk about it later?"

Heather blinked twice and nodded bewildered by how torn you looked and felt. Heather pulled you back into her arms.

"I missed you too, you tear soaked pillow case."

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