Imagine 6 Pt. 2

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Louis is walking around the park with (Y/B/F/N).

She says,"I feel bad lying to (Y/N)."

To which he replies," Well,I don't.After all, I'm here for the one I love."

And then, he turned around, knelt to the ground, pulled out a ring and said to your best friend, "Will you marry me?"

"Not bad."(Y/B/F/N) says,as Louis stands up and dusts his trousers off. "Though you might've wanted to put on a slightly less expensive pair of trousers."

"Well,I hardly knew you were going to drag me out after my concert to practice my proposing skills now, did I?"

"Hey, if my friend  deserves the best. And since I can't ensure that on some accounts[looks Louis up with mock disgust], I'll do whatever I can.

"Ooh, I've met my match in sass. Seriously, though, do you think she'd say yes?"

" Oh, she's absolutely head over heels. And much I joke about, she couldn't have found more loving boyfriend"("We prefer partner in crime", Louis interrupts)"And I'm absolutely sure it's gonna work. Anyway, my plans always work"

"Thank you Miss clever, for those flattering remarks"*dramatically curtsies*"If you're satisfied, can I go? She'll be worried."

"Ooh,look at the eagerness to get married . Only if all boys were like you. Anyways, go. And I should be the first one to get the good news, or I kill you."

"Will do"He says, as he gets into the car and drives off. 

*2 hours later*

 The short drive took longer than it should have, because of the concert in town.Thankfully, his car had tinted windows, or he could never have returned home, courtesy of the directioners. As it is when he returned home, it was about 12 PM. He should've called (Y/N). But then again, he did not know what Harry had told her and he intended it to be a surprise anyways. I just hope she's not to furious, he thinks as he lets himself in. He had planned something big and elaborate for doing it, but he decided to just go with it and do it right then and there

He finds her in bed with a laptop in front. When she sees him, she hastily closes her laptop and when she thinks Louis isn't looking,wipes her eyes. He just thinks that's because of his broken promise, and dismisses it in his mind. (Y/N) always been a bit emotional. 

"(Y/N), I have a confession to make."

To his surprise, she looks up with fear in her eyes, as if had been expecting something, and expecting something bad. Not  knowing what to do,he decided to just go with it and say it.

"(Y/N), I just came to say that, in the past few months, my life has been an absolute fairytale. I met the one I love and the one I want to spend all my life with. So I know this is too fast but-"

"I know, Louis",she says, really quietly.

"You do? That's great? Who told you?"

I just want you to be happy. You and (Y/B/F/N) are one of the best people I've ever met, and I know you will be wonderful together. It's just, I loved you so very much . I thought you did too. Guess I was wrong. 

"Wait, what are you talking about? I was talking about you . You're the one I love.  Not her.

"But-But you proposed to her. Here, look." She shows him a picture of him kneeling down in front of her with a ring. "It's all over the Internet"

"Oh,"He smiles, relieved. "There's just been a big misunderstanding. You know how she is. Absolutely overprotective over you. She dragged me out ensure I was "proposing right". I guess someone must've clicked a picture then."

"Then this isn't true?"

"'Course not. Now,that that's cleared up, " He kneels down, pulls out a ring and says "Will you marry me?"

"Yes,yes I will", she says.

He jumps up with joy, and hugs her. Suddenly, he feels her body get rigid, then slacken. He sets her down and sees that her she has deathly pale, her eyelids a delicate shade of blue. 

"(Y/N), wake up!What happened? (Y/N) answer me!"

He then notices the orange bottle on the side of the bed. It's half empty.He looks at the pale figure on the bed,the last look of joy still frozen on her face. 

He takes the bottle and empties the rest of the pills into his mouth.

He takes the bottle and empties the rest of the pills into his mouth

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