Chapter 1 : How It begins

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Ring! Ring! Ring!

Yawning loudly Tayoma Saito slowly and lazily opened his eyes while lifting his arm and reached without looking to blindly grope along with his nightstand until he finally made contact with his cell phone. Swiping the screen open he reluctantly answered the call


???"Where are you? Are you going to be late again? It's already 8:00."

Taking his ear off the phone Tayoma glanced at the time eyes widening he cursed quickly hopping out of bed and pulled a random pair of jeans and a T-shirt from the dresser he held the phone to his ear while buttoning up his jeans.

???" *sigh* I don't know why I even bother"

Tayoma" Its because I'm your very best friend Hiyashi and you know I would do anything for you plus all the time I've rescued you during high school and junior high ."

Hiyashi" Hmph true but you never wake up on time and you always make it by the skin of your teeth you're going to get kicked out one of these days."

Grabbing his backpack, jacket, laptop case and motorcycle boots along with his bike keys and helmet.
he quickly ran out of his apartment locking the door behind him.

Hopping on one foot while struggling into his boots he jammed his helmet on Tayoma answered Hiyashi

"Haha maybe I will someday if that happens I'll just marry you and become a house husband."

Hiyashi " Hahhh and you already have a backup plan sometimes your personality amazes me the girls in university would be so disappointed if they knew the real you."

Tayoma hurried down the stairs into the underground parking lot and quickly located his bike throwing a leg over it he started up his pride and joy up and begin egging out of his parking space before speedily riding it out while replying to Hiyashi.

"I'm not interested in girls and I only act like that with you you're special to me and I won't let anybody get in the way of your affection for me if they did well I'd have to kill them you know?."

Hiyashi" Jesus you and your scary military career that you won't talk about only made your personality worse Tayoma just get here already"


Tayoma " He never really responds to me I'll make him mine eventually I'm never going to let him go no matter what".

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