Chapter 7 : Hey baby Hey

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My love wake up you have to see our son he's beautiful look what we made love he's absolutely perfect." Ferin said as he woke his husband from his exhausted  sleep

His lashes fluttering opened his eyes to gaze tiredly at ferin. Giving a little smile he asked softly

" A boy? Where is he I want to see him"

"Hahahah" laughing Ferin bent and kissed Seithans on the forhead then rose from the bed and moved over to a crib a few ft away.

As he bent down he  picked up a sleeping infant that was wrapped tightly in a blanket. Carefully turning around he then walked slowly back to the bed and placed the sleeping infant in his mate's waiting arms.

Seithan couldn't help but give a gasp of astonishment as he gazed at the sleeping child in his arms because he really was beautiful. 

Midnight dark hair mixed with strands of gold and purple. Delicately pointed ears a small upturned nose and skin like milk with a hint of honey mixed in he was truly a wonder.

Ferin smiled happily as he watched his mate bond with  their newborn son. Whispering he asked " What should we name him?" 

Seithan pondered the question as he watched his newborn sons face scrounge as his eyes open revealing purple and gold brilliant eyes that seemed to give off their own light. 

As he begin to cry seithan lifted him higher against his chest and moved the babe so he could latch onto his nipple. Wincing at tge sharp pain of his child latching on and beging to suckle and pull milk. Grunting at the uncomfortable sensation he pondered the question as he carefully supported the infants head as he nursed.

Still pondering Seithan asked Ferin to decide the name of their new baby. 

Gazing at his suckling son he said "why don't we name him Sayoma? "

" Hmmm alright but why that name?"

"You don't like it? Sorry to say that is was random or more it was the only name that for some reason would come to me."

Chuckling at the semmingly random naming Ferin replied "No it's okay  its just slightly unusual."

"Anyway besides that his big brother Saith is going to be so surprised where is he anyway I thought he would have been here by now"

{An - its been a few hours since the birth}

"I agree he's probably on his way here I'll ring for a servant and have them go find him and bring him so he can be introduced to his new little brother"

Sayoma/Tayoma ( .......they? .....where's...Hiyashi ..... Tired

{An those brackets () mean he can't talk or really form thoughts its his soul talking} 

" oh look he fell asleep so adorable" Ferin murmured softly as he gazed at their sleep in son

Chuckling tiredly seithan yawned and holding Sayoma to his chest he rolled over on his side and curled around him  as his eyes closed and he started to drift off into sleep.

Smiling at his new born child and sleeping mate he kissed the both of them before he straightened up and walked over to the walk in closet and begin picking out the clothes he intended to wear.

Ferim was about to dress before he remembered why he was naked and in a robe in the first place hanging the clothes on a hook outside the closet he strode to the bathing room and sunk into the water letting  muscles that had tensed during the birth and busy aftermath. He  relaxed back  into  the hot water before he picked up the washing cloth and begin cleaning himself.

After he was done he rose from the water and towled himself dry then begin dressing in the clothes previously picked out. Putting on Hu favorite deerskin leather boots he fixed his sword that was leaning against a chair to his side and walked out the room without stopping letting the guards draw into a diamond formation around him.

???" Your majesty where are we going?"

Lips twitching Ferin said amusedly " First we are going to find my son and tell him to go visit his new brother..."

??? " Oh? Congratulations your Majesty on your new son"

" Ah yes Geai you'll meet him when my husband wakes up anyway after we find my son no  send somebody to do that instead and alert me after you do  anyway  I'll be listening to the  citizens grievance today then paper work on my office"

Guard lieutenant Geai winced at the prospect of  another boring grievance counsil that would last for hours. he couldn't help but feel hopeless as they entered the throne room and he caught sight of  the long line of people waiting for the king.

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