Watched it begin again.

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Being told to leave is bad. Being told that I'm not welcome here anymore is harder.

My dad told me he was longer my father and that I need to leave. Why? Because I'm depressed. I suffer from depression and he found out that I cut myself.

It's forbidden in my dads eyes. He thinks I've let a demon inside my body and it's taken over. My mom disagrees. She wants to help. So that's why I'm going back to Australia.


I was already checked in and my dad didn't drive me. I had to drive myself. I had no idea how bad he'd react but now I'm at the airport with three suitcases and two rucksacks I'm pretty sure it's clear how bad it all went.

"Will flight number 3647 to Sydney Australia please make there way to the plane. Thank you."

I picked up my only case and only rucksack that fitted on the plane decks and made my way to the passport check. I checked in my other cases already.

I waited in line for a few minutes before showing my ticket and passport. I then was allowed on the plane.

I went and found my seat by the window. I sat down and plugged my headphones in putting my phone on aeroplane mode.


I got off the plane and messaged my mom telling her I just landed. She told me she was by the lost and found booth.

I went and picked up my other suitcases and bags struggling to walk through the security as I found my mom and Michael standing by the booth looking the opposite way.

Mom had dyed her hair and so had Michael. Moms hair was blonde now and she wore posh clothes with a lot of jewellery. Michael had red hair with black tight jeans, combat boots and a red top.

I looked down at myself feeling less alike to either of them. I wore shorts and a long sleeved crop top. My blonde hair was curled and I appeared to be quit tanned compared to Michael who was extremely pale. Mom was tanned though.

I moved my hair from my eyes as I coughed. They spun around and took in my appearance. Mom began smiling as Michael just stood there. She came and hugged me tight.

"It's so good to see you Ari." She breathed out deeply.

"It's good to see you too mom." I agreed.

She pulled away and we both looked at Michael. He had his hands in his pockets and he slowly nodded his head and me giving me a small smile. Mom hit his chest lightly pointing at me.

"Say hello to your sister!" She demanded.

"It's fine mom, I knew it'd be weird at first." I reassured her.

She smiled again and then we headed to the car. Her and Michael taking a suitcase. Michael took a bag too.

We packed my stuff in the boot and we got in the car. I sat in the front with mom as Michael sat in the back his headphones in.

"I'm sorry dear. Michael seemed really excited that you were coming. I don't know why he didn't react the way you wanted."

"It's fine mom. I - I guess it's hard to see your sister as a real person after a few years." I smiled.

"You've changed so much. You've grown into a wonderful, pretty girl." She smiled. "I like your clothes."

"Thanks, most my clothes are like this." I shrugged.

"So, do you have any hobbies?" She asked coming on the high way.

"Uh," I'm sure cutting wouldn't be a good one to say. "I like running."

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