Chapter One

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1 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧

        "Hey, are you okay?" A voice asked, and jolted me out of my thoughts.

I turned my head upwards to look at who the source of that voice was. Due to my crying session, my eyesight was blurry. After blinking a couple of times, I managed to clear my vision and finally made out who the person was—

It was a guy from my school. He wore a neutral facial expression and his eyes were a deep endless blue. The rest of his features were sharp and defined. He had straight honey brown hair that was strewn around under the captivity of his black beanie. The guy wore black jeans and a black hoodie. To say he was handsome would be a huge understatement. He was unbelievably sexy.

He and I weren't friends nor acquaintances. Not because we didn't like each other; we simply didn't know each other enough. Although I did see him around school a lot, I didn't really know his name. I guess I never really paid attention to him and his naturally striking looks because I had Jackson at the time. I truly only had eyes for him and I didn't care to get to know anyone else— which ended up being a huge mistake because I now had no one. I felt another pang in my heart and attempted to distract myself from the feeling by guessing his name. I was pretty sure his name started with a 'G'.

Gary? Nope.

Garyl? Nope.

Gean? Nope.

Okay, I couldn't think of his name at the moment but I was sure it started with a 'G'. I didn't know his name but the one thing I did know was he casually hooked up with girls for fun. How did I know? Word got around. He wasn't exactly a player from what I heard— he supposedly let the girls know beforehand that he didn't do the whole feelings thing— but he still got around nonetheless. Wait... is his intention of asking if I was okay just to hook up with me?

"No." I finally answered, looking to the ground. I tried to focus on the cracks in the cement instead of the ones in my heart. It didn't work. All I could think was how did I not suspect anything? It went on for a year and a half. They were never even planning on telling me, I had to find out for myself on my anniversary. I really trusted them. I loved them. There was nothing okay about me, so I added an, "I'm really not."

I was surprised when I felt him sit down next to me. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked, casually. He didn't particularly express a great interest in me specifically, he almost seemed bored if anything. He might want to hookup. A voice in the back of my head reminded me. Either way, I had no way of knowing what his true intentions were.

I saw him turn his head from my peripheral vision. I also turned to face him. He was so close, and he looked even better than before. Suddenly, I started to feel self conscious. I probably looked like a wreck; my grey eyes were definitely red and puffy from all the crying I had done. My straight brown hair was probably all disheveled from raking a hand through it so many times. Yet there he was with all his good looks and glory.

"Not to be rude, but I don't even know you," I stated, looking straight into his cold blue eyes. It was hard to decipher what this guy was thinking or feeling even by staring into his eyes.

"That doesn't matter. If you want to talk about it then you should," he simply stated, his voice deep and smooth. I couldn't help but wonder why he cared enough to say these things to me.

"Yeah true," I said and sighed, still doubtful that he had the right intentions.

"Then tell me what's wrong," he replied, in a quiet voice. I couldn't help but notice that his eyes never left mine. I felt so vulnerable, like he was seeing right through me. His eyes pierced into my soul. Something about his gaze felt so intense and intimate that I had to look at the ground again. He didn't stop looking at me though, he kept on and waited for me patiently.

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