Chapter I

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Monday on Raw
As I pulled into the arena with my dad hall of famer Bret 'The Hitman' Hart he said to me "you've worked so hard to get here Nadia and don't let anyone tell you that you don't deserve to be her especially Nattie ok" I smiled at him and got out of the car and went to the trunk and got out both my dads bag and my bags.

Me and my dad were walking into the arena talking when we were stopped by the one and only McMahon family. "Well if it isn't WWE's very own hall of famer Bret 'The Hitman' Hart, and he's very beautiful and extremely talented daughter" Stephanie said. "How are you Stephanie" I said. "I'm very well, wows its been a long time since I've seen you you and now your all grown up and making your WWE debut" I couldn't help myself from laughing a little bit when she said that.
After me and my dad had finished talking to Triple H and the McMahon's I said to dad "I'm going to head to the divas locker room, so you can walk around and catch up with some old friends, I mean there's gotta be some of your old wrestling buddies here tonight, and then I'll meet you at the gorilla for my match" I told my father. He then told me " yep no worries, and remember don't let anyone get in your head especially Nattie and also remember I love you and I'm so incredibly proud of you, and one more thing you deserve to be here 100%" I smiles and gave him a kiss and then walked of to the divas locker room.

When I entered the divas locker room I saw two of my friends from back when I used to come to the arena with dad when I was little. As soon as I walked in I was ambushed with hugs from Nikki and Brie the Bella Twins and also one of my fellow Canadians Maryse(who was there to support her husband the Miz). The girls soon let go and let me put my stuff down and then we started talking. I was asked so many questions like how have you been?, and also how has my training been going?, and how my dad was? Then Nikki asked me if me and Nattie have sorted out our problems and I didn't lie to her and I said "no we haven't and now that I'm on the main roster I don't think it will be getting any better any time soon, because she always said that I had no talent and wasn't good enough for this business."
After about 30 minutes of being ambushed with questions from the girls they left the locker room so I could get ready for my match with Naomi tonight.

After the girls left the locker room I was alone so I decided to go and get changed into my ring gear it was like my cousin Natayla's but it wasn't exactly the same. After I had gotten changed I pulled out my beats headphones and put some music on and started to do my warm up. The way I warm up is by putting on my music and having the left headphone cover my whole ear and the right one just cover half of my ear so if some body wants to talk to me then they can.

While I was warming up I heard the door to the divas locker room open. Then I heard a voice I really didn't want to hear on my first night hear at the WWE. "Well, well, well would you look who it is hah" the voice said. At that point I had already stood up and was getting angry. "Look Natalya if you wanna say something just say it because I have a match to get ready for" I said back while staring right into her eyes. "Look I don't know why your even here in WWE I mean what have I told you for the past 10 years, you have no talent and you shouldn't be here" Natalya said back to me getting really angry and then I said one finally thing to her that tmade her really angry "seriously Natalya I don't care what you have to say to me but I told you ten years ago I would make it into this business and I would make you eat your words, and it looks like I've done that because I'm hear now and the WWE wouldn't of hired me if they didn't think I had talent, now if you'll excuse me I have a debut match to win, a father to make proud and a irritating cousin to make eat her words" I then walked out of the locker room and noticed that my girls were there so I then gave them a high five and they walked me to the gorilla where my dad was waiting for me.
Maryse then said to my dad "you've got a very special girl here Bret I mean she's talented and she's not afraid to stand up for herself." I smiled at Maryse and the Bella's, they smiled back. I then saw my dad smiling at me and the smile he had in he's face meant that he knew that I had finally stood up to Natalya. I gave the girls one last hug and then I hugged my dad as we waited for my music to play.

Hey guys so I decided to start another fan-fic I'll probably do this a lot because I get new ideas and want to write about them and if you would mind could you please vote on my fan-fic and also leave me a comment in what you thought and any ideas you might have about where the story should go. I will try and have the next chapter up in the next couple of days. Thanks a lot guys 😃

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