Chapter II

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Debut match
Tonight it was my debut match and I was waiting at the gorilla with my dad and best friends.
Tonight I was going up against Charlotte which I thought was going to be a pretty easy match I mean I'm a Hart I can beat everyone and anyone whenever and wherever.

As I was waiting at the gorilla I started to do push ups again since My warm up was interrupted by Natalya. When I was doing my push ups my dad was counting them to see if I could beet my record of 103 in 1:30 seconds. Then I heard Charlotte's music hit s I got up and dad said that I was one push up away from beating my record.

"The following divas contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first accompanied to the ring by two time hall of famer The Nature Boy Ric Flair, from the queens city she is the current divas champion Charlotte. After about a minute my music hit(see up the top for the song), as I walked out with my dad everyone went insane my dad hadn't been seen on Monday Night RAW since 2013, "and introducing her opponent, accompanied to the ring by WWE hall of famer Bret 'The Hitman' Hart from Calgary Alberta Canada Nadia Hart." As I walked down the ramp I whispered to dad "just be careful and watch out for Ric over there" he nodded at me and I then went and got in the ring and dad went to my corner and then the ref signalled for the bell.

When the rang Charlotte bounced of the ropes and went WOOOO in my face so I then pushed her into the ropes and then clothes lined her out of the ring. At that point Ric was checking on Charlotte so I looked at my dad and he nooses at me which meant it was tim to go flying. Ric was still occupied with Charlotte so I ran to the ropes and bounced of them and then did a front flip the top rope and landed right on Charlotte then I did a couple of summers sults just to show of. I jumped up and walked back to Charlotte and picked her up by her hair and through her in the ring. When I had her in the ring I dragged her into the middle and set up for the sharp shooter but before I did it I thought I would just show of a bit, so I went WOOOO in Charlotte's face and then I looked over at Ric who was on the top turnbuckle trying to distract me so I said WOOOO to him and then I put Charlotte into the sharp shooter and she screamed in pain and then quickly tapped out but I held on for a few more seconds. Then my music blasted through the arena and I heard "here is your winner by submission Nadia Hart" by that time my dad was in the ring hugging me and congratulating me on my win. He raised my arm in the air and then I raised his in the air because he is a legend and a hall of famer in the WWE. After dad had raised my arm and I had raised his I walked over to the ropes and sat on them for dad so he could get out and then I got out and we walked up to the ramp and turned around and the crowd was chanting "Hitman's Daughter" I looked at dad and then he pulled me into a side hug and at that moment I knew I had made him proud.

Hey guys sorry for such a short chapter I told you guys I would have the next chapter up in the next couple of days but I woke up early then expected so I though I would write a short chapter but I will try and make the next chapter longer. Thanks guys and don't forget to vote and comment.😃

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