Chapter III

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Celebrating with friends maybe,confronting family and meeting new people

After I had walked back behind the curtain after winning my debut match I was greeted with hugs from my best friends and they also smothered my dad in hugs.

"Congratulations kiddo you deserve the win, we have to go out and celebrate tonight" Maryse said. "Yeah alright sounds good but it is just going to be us right"I said walking back towards the divas locker room. "Yeah of course I mean none of the other divas like us, I guess that's why we're the best divas ever" Brie said. I just laughed and got to the door of the divas locker room and stopped and said to dad "ok so give me 30 minutes to take a shower and get changed and then meet me at the car and then we can go back to the hotel" I said, "no worries sweetheart and I'm so incredibly proud of you" he said hugging me and then he gave me a kiss on the forehead.

----------------------------------------------------------30 minutes later-----------------------------------------------------------

As I walked out of the locker room I was pushed to ground. When I looked up I saw that it was the one and only Alberto Dell Rio. "Wow I'm so sorry I didn't see you there I was to busy paying attention to my phone, and I didn't realise I was gonna strait into a pretty girl and knock her over"he said while smiling and helping me up. "It's ok I probably wasn't looking where I was going either." I stared into his eyes and he stared into mine. We finally stopped staring into each other's eyes when he spoke up and said to me "wait a minute I saw you walk into the arena this morning with Bret Hart." "Yeah you probably did I think I ran into just about every superstar and a few legends this morning because Bret Hart is my dad" I told him with a smile. "No way that's cool I bet it would have perks being the daughter of a hall of famer," he said also with a smile. "Like you wouldn't know your uncle is a hall of famer" I said pushing some of my hair behind my ear. "ok you got me there I'm Josè but my ring name is Alberto Del Rio but a pretty girl like you can call me anything you like" he said as I started to blush a little. "Thanks I'll keep that in mind and the names Nadia by the way and I now have to go because I was supposed to meet my dad 10 minutes ago" I said picking up my bag that had fallen on the ground. "No worries Hart I guess I'll see you at smackdown" he said smirking me. "Yeah I guess I will see you at smackdown Del Rio" I said starting to walk away.

Soon after my I counter with Alberto Del Rio I headed towards the car. When I arrived at the car I put my bags in the boot and then got in the passenger seat. "You found someone new to talk to didn't you" dad said looking at me with a smile on his face. "You could say that agin" I said while smiling at him while grabbing my head phones out of my jacket. Dad pulled out of the arena and I plugged in my headphones, played music and looked out the window of the car.

Dad and I finally pulled into the hotel and grabbed our bags and walked up to reception. "I'll check us in you just sit and relax there's a bit of a line so it could take a while" dad said while giving me a kiss on the head, I nodded and he went to the back  of the line.

While I was waiting for dad to check us in I spotted the girls and they spotted me and came over to me. "Hey girly you ready to go out" Maryse says running up to me and shaking me. "Hey Bella's, Hey Maryse I don't think I'm gonna be able to go out tonight" I said looking down. "Oh come on girl why can't you come out tonight" Nikki said but as she was doing I felt a couple of sharp pains shoot through my arm and up to my shoulder which made me flinch. "Hey Nadia are you alright you don't look so good and I saw you flinch your arm," Brie said. I looked at Brie and then I saw dad coming over so I got up and tried to grab my bag when Nikki, Brie and Maryse put grabbed my other arm. I looked at dad and he nodded at me and I knew he was going to save me from being the most embarrassed that I would of ever been in my life. "Alright ladies I think it's time we get Nadia here up to our room and then in a little while  you guys can come to our room and she can tell you what's up with her then, and also there will probably be some wine and beer if you like and you can watch some movies" dad said while rubbing my arm and looking at my best friends. "Alright kiddo as long as your ok with us coming up soon then we will" Brie said looking worried. "Yeah I'm fine with it I'll see you guys soon" I said putting on a fake smile while trying to fight the pain of my shoulder. I then grabbed my bags and walked to the elevator with my dad and the girls. I stood in the far left hand corner of the elevator when my phone goes off and I see a text from the guy I ran into when's was leaving the divas locker room earlier tonight,
Hey Hart its me Josè or as you like to call me Del Rio, I just thought I'd text you to double check if you were ok after I knocked you down earlier tonight from your new friend Del Rio xo.
Thanks Del Rio, it means a lot that you wanted to double check that I was ok after our little run in in front of the divas locker room today, and I just have a question for you.
Oh yeah what's the question?
How did you get my phone number, because I don't remember giving it to you when we had our special run in today.
I went to Steph and Hunter's office and asked them for your number because I thought that we could maybe do a storyline together and I wanted to get in contact with you so that we could talk about it and you, and did you really think our run in today was special?

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