Chapter 12

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Well I definately made the right decision in telling the girls we should bring paint and paper, just in case.

Because now, the three of us sat with about 30 children fingerpainting in a large hall.

The surprise challenge had been that we were in charge of these children for a few hours. There was one from each village in the kingdom so everyone was a little apprehensive at first, but when we sat on the floor with them and presented them with massive pieces of paper and paint, everyone opened up. Some children were as young as 4, with the oldest aged 7.

And they knew a lot about the competition for their age.

"My mommy says you three are the nicest ladies in the competition." chirped one little girl called Ida, "That one of you should be the queenie."

Kate smiled, "Which one of us though?"

"I know!" Ida exclaimed again, "My mommy says that ang-ee should be queen!"

Beth laughed, "I agree with your mommy she seems smart."

I rolled my eyes at Beth.

"My mommy says tha' Angie has glow of love." said a girl in a pink dress called Zoë "Tha' maybe she in love, or maybe she have baby."

My eyes went wide, whilst Beth and Kate froze, shocked. I shrugged it off.

"That's not important anyway. What's important is our paintings. What are you all painting?"

A little girl called Ana offered a toothless grin as she lifted her sheet of paper up.

"I'm drawing everyone here!" She proclaimed proudly.

I laughed and took the sheet. There were lots of fat dot people along the bottom which I assumed were the children and then three skinny long people in the middle. A skinny woman in white was on the left and a large man stood on the right.

"Who's this Hunny?" I asked pointing to the lady and man.

Ana tilted her head to the corner.

"The nice lady that's laughing at you."

I turned to the corner and back again.
No one was there. I shrugged it off.

"And the man?"

She giggled.

"That's the man who keeps peeking in. He's wearing a funny hat."

I turned to the other corner and sure enough, there was King German peeking in. Wearing his "funny hat", one that a guard should wear. I sighed.

Beth and Kate both giggled. The camera man looked at me suspiciously.

"The guard may need something." I said casually, "Kate would you be a dear and see what the guard needs?"

Kate smiled, "No problem!"

Beth scooted over to me and turned to the children.

"Everyone! I have a challenge. Draw for me what you think love looks like!"

The children smiled happily and moved their pictures to start painting and scibbling away.

Beth smiled at me. "You too Ange."

I shook my head and then Beth returned, anxious to join in too. We drew and listened to the children chatter for a further two hours until they skipped out with their drawings.

And then Beth handed me her drawing and Kate smiled bashfully. I rolled my eyes at them both.

For best friends they sure are annoying.

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