Chapter 18

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Angie's POV

As all of us filed into the elimination room my eyes fell upon the King. I was desperate for him to look my way but he didn't, so I dropped my head and avoided looking up again.

I sat between Beth and Kate as all of us were filed in onto grand benches, sat directly before the King and Prince. Both of them continued to smile sadly at me, which was beginning to infuriate me.

"Welcome to our final whole group elimination!" Chirped the Presenter. "This morning 3 more of each group will depart and we will be left with 11 contestants in each group."

The cameras panned over us all.

"And it is especially interesting as today one of each category will win a day with the appropriate royal, as well as 4 others being saved from elimination. But the biggest shock? 5 of you will be leaving this evening too."

Gasps were released from many people across the room. 

"Let's not beat around the bush then! To begin, I ask the women: Bella of Mariposa, Sarah of Healenten and Heather of Lounisal, to stand. Could the girls Emily of Richten, Chloe of Flaviata and Paige of Histrane stand also."

They did, and the large doors opened.

"I'm afraid it's the end of your time here ladies, if you could exit."

Once the doors closed again, the woman turned back to us.

"Okay, now your names will appear on the screen in order of your placing. The bottom 6, which will be announced first, will come and sit on these red chairs at the front, so if you see your name, please come forward. You 6 will be in the eliminations today and only one of you will remain. The next 4 will be safe and have a free day, so may remain seated and the top person will have a day with the appropriate royal, so you may stand. By the end of today we will find out who our final six are."

The screen behind her lit up with 1-11 twice over and I felt my palms sweat.

11- Linda and Rose

10- Nicola and Lexy

9- Angeles and Lydie

I sighed. I should have known. I rose from my seat, releasing Kate's killer grip on my hand and took a seat in the red chairs opposite. German met my eye as I moved and I saw a flicker of... Was it sadness? I didn't know and sat down.

8- Joanne and Ambar

7- Frances and Daisy

6- Marie and Natalia

I smiled. At least my friends were safe.

5- Esmeralda and Camila

4- Jade and Ludmila

3- Elizabeth and Lara

2- Priscilla and Francesca

I stopped.  Had Kate- won? Had Violetta?

1- Katherine and Violetta

Kate looked at me in shock and rose to stand in front of the king. He took her hand and kissed it.

Violetta's POV

Prince Leon kissed my hand but his eyes didn't meet mine.

"Okay everyone! We're very excited about all of this. So if my six red chair  ladies could exit to the left, and the six red chair girls to the right. Those granted a free day may exit through the usual doors. Good luck today to those who need it! We'll see you all back here later this evening for a huge banquet!" Chirped the presenter.

Everyone began to depart and I almost missed his words in the noise.

"You lied to me."

I gulped and turned to see him now looking directly at me.

I sighed and nodded.

"I'm so so sorry."

Prince Leon nodded and took my arm as we walked out.

"Can I ask why?"

I sucked in a breath.

"Leon I- I just didn't mean to. I should have admitted I had secrets but I just- didn't want you to be upset. But I realise you would have been either way."

Leon nodded.

"Look I get it. You don't have to tell me everything. Heck, I understand even. We don't know each other that well really. And as you said. We've been disconnected. Living in a fairytale. None of this is real. I mean, a photo came out of Ludmila kissing one of the workers last night. And I mean, why should that bother me? Obviously not every girl here truly does care about me."

I felt a stir of different emotions. Upset. Understanding. Gratefulness.  And something else... I felt kind of mad?

Regardless I shrugged it off.

"I'm so so sorry Leon still."

He shrugs. 

"It's shown me something really." he replied, "We are too disconnected. Like you've said before. So we've got to get back to the real world. Connect with reality and hopefully still connect with each other. See if this really has a chance to work."

I softened. 

"You mean that?"

Leon gave a megawatt smile, "Of course I do. So I've a brilliant idea for today."

I only now realised we were walking towards the exit.

"And what is it?" I asked eagerly.

"Well... we're going to Greenleaf of course!"


Hello everyone! Sorry it's been so long. I've had exams, a charity trip away and a start at school on my plate but this is coming back now!!!

I hope you'll all still read it :)

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