Chapter 17

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Angie's POV

The highlights of the honesty round were playing and we were all sat in the room watching. Generally everyone sat on their beds, able to see the giant screen from anywhere, but when they came on, or someone they were interested in, they'd step forward.

Myself, Kate and Beth all sat on Beth's bed huddled together as we'd watched. The highlights were on the TV but every persons full interviews were available online. The "good" parts of the highlights had already been shown and both Kate and Beth featured repeatedly. I hadn't featured in the good parts at all. Priscilla had. Jade had. Esmeralda had.

I hadn't. And it's not like I lied that much. Right?

Now the lies and bad responses were being shown. It was quite shocking. Someone lied about their name, another lied about their age, and the presenters echoed the shock I felt.

Then my face appeared on the screen and even small whispers ceased in the room.

"Okay have you ever committed a crime?"

On camera you could see my face drop. And I wanted to claw my eyes out. I looked beyond guilty.


My reply was clipped and stubborn and practically screamed guilty.

The polygraph said I wasn't lying because I wasn't, but my face said differently.

The male presentersaid exactly that, said 'I looked nervous and guilty.' I could feel Priscilla smiling.

"Ever known of a crime being committed?"


I managed to answer even harsher and more clipped than before.

German then came up on the screen, his face scrunched as I remembered it and then the TV confirmed it. I lied.

"Maybe that's why she looked so guilty earlier. Makes sense right?"

The other presenter nodded and agreed with her.

"Let's say you had seen a crime committed, would you report it?"

My reply was much slower than the other two which were instant and hard.


German's frown deepened, and the camera showed this just as it was confirmed that what I had said was a lie.

"She's definately seen someone she cares about break the law, I'd say."

"Definately James, I mean, she's sabotaging her chance of winning here."

"Excellent!" Exclaimed Priscilla, "Well done Angie, you continue to prove your inadequacy!"

Kate turned to me with a sad smile.

I shrugged as a reply. I wouldn't say anything. I just wanted it to move on, but alas my face turned back up again.

"Final question, it's in two parts- firstly are you hiding anything from the King?"


My response was soft and honest. I looked absolutely devastated on the screen and I wondered.... is that how I feel?

"She's torn Patty, do you see that face? That's a girl who's dying inside at the distance she's putting between her and the king."

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