Chapter Seventeen: Fight to the Death

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Sam was crushed with grief, but the instinct of self preservation kicked in. He ran to the window and broke through it. He turned so that he would land on his side. He felt the glass cut his face and his arms, but there was a much worse pain in his side where a larger piece of glass impaled him.

Still, he pushed on. It felt like he was moving in slow motion. He'd left everything behind. He thought of the three dead bodies on the floor in the house. He knew the only way he could survive was to keep running and hide in the forest. Jake was far behind him.

Sam hid in the forest for ten minutes. He couldn't hear Jake's footsteps anymore. He looked around to make sure Jake wasn't there. He walked back to the house. As single tear rolled down his face. He wouldn't allow himself to fully mourn Ruby's death yet.

Inside the house, he knelt down beside her. He was crying silently. He put her body into what seemed like a more comfortable position. He laid her flat and crossed her arms over her bloody chest. Her hair was the only bright part left of her. He spread it out on the floor. He vowed to come back later and give her a hunter's funeral.

He grabbed the weapons and headed outside. Jake was standing in the middle of the road. Sam knew it wouldn't be that easy. He walked forward, ready to meet his fate.

"I had a vision, Sam. Yellow Eyes told me he's betting on me. He wants me to lead his army. He won't let us go until the other dies. It's nothing against you."

"Jake, listen to me. There's another way -"

"No, there's not! You have to die." Jake ran at Sam. Jake's super strength gave him the upper hand. He punched Sam so hard that he flew back and hit the wooden stairs of the house. The stairs had broken, along with some of Sam's bones.

Sam stood up, despite the pain. He screamed, running forward, determined to drive the knife he was holding into Jake just like Jake had done to Ruby. Jake grabbed his hand. He squeezed it so hard that the bones in Sam's hand broke and he dropped the knife right into Jake's hand.

Sam turned and ran. He picked up one of the boards from the broken stairs. Jake was already behind him. He moved, ready to stab the knife through Sam's spinal cord.

Suddenly, there was a bright, white light. It was blinding. Sam fell to the ground and looked up. There was a man standing in front of Jake. He was wearing a tan trench coat and had messy, black hair. Jake stabbed him in the chest with the knife, but the man simply pulled it out and dropped it to the ground. Jake backed up, fear in his face.

"What are you?" Jake asked, his eyes wide.

The man's deep voice said "I'm an angel of the Lord." His hand shot up. He put his palm to Jake's head. There was the light again, this time, coming out of Jake's eyes and mouth. He screamed and fell to the ground. His eyes had been burned out of his skull; he wasn't moving.

The man turned around. Sam threw his arm over his face. "I'm not here to hurt you, Sam Winchester. I'm here to save you." Sam moved his arm back down. The man squatted down in front of Sam, where he had fallen. Sam looked into the man's blue eyes as he reached forward. He put two fingers to Sam's forehead. Sam wasn't in pain anymore. He flexed his formerly broken hand, astonished.

"Who are you? Why do you want to save me?"

"I'm Castiel. I'm an angel of the Lord. I'm following Heaven's orders."

Sam pushed the palms of his hands against his eyes. "Ruby! Can you fix her?" Sam asked, hopefully.

Castiel paused. He looked like he was listening to something. "Yes." He said shortly. Then he disappeared - literally. Sam looked around, frantically. Then he ran inside the house where Ruby was.

Castiel was kneeling in front of her with his fingers on her forehead and a look of slight concentration on his face. Ruby's eyes flew open and she gasped. Sam went to her. He helped her sit up and hugged her until her breathing slowed. "Who..?" She was looking at Castiel.

"He's an angel. He saved you. Ruby, you were dead. I..."

Castiel had walked over toward the window. "We've got company." They walked outside.

The yellow eyed demon was standing there, slowly clapping. "This was by far the most interesting group yet. You see, I didn't want this to be like the Hunger Games. I split all of my children up into groups. Everyone gets to know each other and then they fight to the death. Ava was in the first batch. She won that one by pure luck, but she got better. She learned to control demons. That's how she killed Andy. I never really liked her much." Azazel shrugged.

"You, though. Oh, Sam. You're my favorite. I've been rooting for you all along. Getting Ruby is a bonus I suppose. I think she'll motivate you quite well.

"Now you." He pointed to Castiel. "You're a real fire cracker aren't you? I actually had no idea that there are angels. Well, except Lucifer, that is. He's the one who planned all this. I've been able to talk to him, but I can't seem to get him out of that damn cage. Well, I'll see you three later. I've got big plans for you."

Suddenly, Castiel was behind Azazel and the two disappeared.

"Crap!" Before Sam could say anything else, Castiel appeared in front of them without Azazel.

"We need to leave this place," Castiel said gruffly. "Where's Dean and Mary?" Sam gave him the address of the motel, still confused. Castiel put his hands on their shoulders. Ruby heard a whooshing sound before they disappeared in the dusk.

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