Take Me Back

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Title: Take Me Back

By AlmightyFox "me"


The aftermath of decades and decades of waste and exploiting has brought the Earth to degrade severely and be practically unliveable. Nothing more than a waste land, millions of chosen people have moved into the a space ship and have left off, leaving the other billions to rot and try to survive with what's left. For the past 12 years, the lucky ones lived and worked in their new home more happy than ever, since they had all they could need. No one bothers to care anymore about the sick mass they had left. No one but Mana, who dreams to move back, which is contradictory to the rules.

Not trying to advertise but no one is commenting covers D'X (well except Aylish and AwesomeLiz, thanks guys!) so I wanted to add some covers but I don't have anyone asking stuff so I just randomly put mine because, well it's a cover! Please guys, I sincerely love doing people's covers so pweeeaaase ask. Don't be shy, I don't bite!


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