Unknown Superhero Group

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Title: Unknown Superhero Group

By rossy1004

Genre: Teen fiction/random


I feel really depressed right now I need something to cry on but am losing it I tell you, I would go to my family but the won't understand no does I was different and not in a good way my life is so called "perfect" but that is not perfect is that I get bully everyday I only have one friend named Kim she knew my secret. You may ask about my mother she is always on business trips so I don't see her often (that what they tell me). Here something you don't about me I am not all human I am a "super hero" like I can shape shift I also can read minds but no one know this only My mom and Kim. Kim knows all my secrets but she also is not all human she also can be called "super hero" she can read minds and turn invisible. The only reason why I told you we are "super heroes" is because when we turn 16 teen we are now officially superheroes by they way the my "name" is Jenna and am 15 years old

But hold up 3 new girls are joining our school of superhero but wait lies have been told best friend are now enemies and when did a werewolf come in this story.....

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