Chapter 15 ~ Happy Endings Do Happen

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Darcy's POV:

I use to think I believed in fairytales, not that I remember anyone reading them to me. I use to think I could feel the magic the characters in the books did, how they felt when it said happily ever after. I read library books, I was all hit and bash but I was gentle to, I liked common music, and baby animals, I know how I came off, bitter and angry and filled with revenge. But no really I was a sweet little girl, begging to be heard, err perhaps taking the fairytale thing a bit to far now.

But I did read the books and dream of endings like in the fairytales, I was not encouraged to dream, but I did anyway, and I wished, and I begged, and I don't want to brag but I'm glad I did it, now. Cause I see Mum and Dad together despite the odds, criticism and hit backs.

I'm glad. I use to think up fairytale endings for Bert and I when we dated. I use to think of a pretty two story creamy coloured house with a garden and lakes, and two children. But its silly to think that, because its like he got the better end of the fairytale the happy ending with me cut out.

"Its been ages" Bert says alerting me to reality.

I shake myself mentally awake.

"Yes, yes it has" I swallow, and draw in a breath.

Justin side glances me, slightly taking it back he planned for us three to meet. I side glance him and try to tell him not to worry.

We sit down.

"Justin told me err your doing well" Bert says.

"Quite alright" I nod. Fifteen whole days without a drop of red, I think proudly. "Justin mentioned your family"

Bert nods "Yes, yes, its all good"

Justin starts to get anxious.

"So your top at the mag now?" I ask Bert ignoring Justin.

"I guess you could say that, not one to over brag, my wife is also top" he tells me.

I nod.

The waiter pours water which I gratefully sip.

"So tell me, job, new apartment right?" he asks.

Justin gets more anxious.

"Yea barista, and not new I guess been there ages, rental though" I say.

"There two storeys aren't they?" he asks.

"In the middle of the two storey ones it a one storey" I explain.

Justin sips water painfully slowly.

"So, errr hows work Justin?" Bert asks.

Justin turns to Bert after resting the empty glass down "Work, I haven't got any new work since, I quit work" he says.

Bert nods "No one going to take you?" he asks icily.

"I'm just not looking" Justin says in defence his eyes slide my way "I've been busy"

"Don't tell me still patching up peoples lives" Bert says cruelly "You've been busted Justin, Help Behind Doors up in smoke, the other day Sandra and her team cracked it open and exposed it, its like page four in the next issue, big news I bet" Bert tells him.

Justin swallows and sips more water after I pour him another glass.

"You know I wouldn't take Mr Styles as a puppet if I were you he probably cracked you before you cracked yourself" Bert says cooly.

"I have the up most respect for Mr Styles, I'm not under your roof any more Bert, I don't have to sit back and soak it in, I can speak out, and any more words said about either Taylor or Harry won't be taken lightly" Justin says heatedly.

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