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"Where do I start?" Seaglass chuckled as Kymopolia climbed up his horns, perching herself on the emerald green figures.

"Maybe show them the waterfall?" Flare suggests as he spreads his wings. "I think they'd like to hose that itchy sand of their scales."

"Ah, great idea!" Seaglass nudges Flare with his shoulder, nodding appreciatively. "Well you guys heard him. Let's go."

Potent exchanged a glance with his friends, and they seemed pretty relieved. Seaglass heads to the entrance, coaxing them towards him as he prepared to take flight.

"We can catch up later." Flare promises as he walks out of the grotto, Artemis by his side. She smiled at him and nodded, her eyes practically a kaleidoscope of blue.

"That would be nice." She confesses, then disappearing from view with Flare as they parted.

Potent grumbles and trudges through the shallow water, passing Geode. The old hybrid smiled and nodded towards the entrance. "I see that worried look. I'm sure they'll like it here. Most already could fit in as one of us."

Potent paused, glancing at him doubtfully, a certain tribrid in mind. "We'll see."

"Come on, Potent!" Tempest calls suddenly. The Sandwing makes an amused face, following after her.


"Oh, wow." Mamba breathes, gold and bronze chasing after each other on her wings as she flew. The sun wasn't blinding or scorching anymore, but comfortingly warm. Potent honestly hadn't minded the sun for the first week in the desert, but his mind changed when they came upon the realization they weren't going to find any water or food there.

Seaglass's face was still plastered with his stupid one-of-a-kind-grin, but Potent was kind of glad to see that again. It reminded him there were cute and innocent things still left in the world. His gaze travels to Tempest as he thinks this, leaving him to wonder why that even occurred.

They were coming upon a clear and beautifully cascading waterfall. It looked to flow out of a thin line of blue that ran completely around the place. With all this uneven terrain, the Sandwing wouldn't be surprised if there were smaller waterfalls somewhere else. Maybe Seaglass could tell him. He hadn't seen any when he got to explore a few days ago.

Anyway, this waterfall emptied into the big lake in the center of everything, which gradually turned into another line of river. Small crystal clusters and plants were huddled around the edges of said lake. River pebbles, stones and sand skirted the rest, until the slope that led to the pocket of water appeared, which was simply covered in vegetation.

"Go ahead and get washed off." Seaglass gestured to the lake and waterfall. "No offense, but ya kinda look like dusty statues, with how stiff you are." He giggled.

"As sad as it is, it's pretty true." Potent wrinkled his snout at Mamba as he said this, reviving a wholehearted glare.

"The water is actually really nice!" Mudpuddle offers. "Right Potent?"

"Absolutely." He grins.

"I'm not so sure..." Snowfall's voice trailed off, and he looked at Tempest quizzically.

"Last one in is a rotten egg!" She crowed from above, plummeting into the water and splashing an unfortunate Icewing that stood just a little too close.

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