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That's strang....who would come over...i have no frinds and no family....nobody knows my face....i grab my gun that i keep in my closet and went to the door...the knocking became more ruff and it became louder i tryed to stay calm and i opend the door and aimed my gun.....i saw....i saw.......IT WAS JAKE!!!!

How dose he know where i live?!
He has seen my face what am i going to do?!
Will he try to expose me?!
What if he finds out my secrets?!


"Ummm Hey is Lele home" oh thank you god he has never seen my face so he must not recognize "ummmmm Yeah but she is sick so she won't be going to school today" okay pretty good lie "oh....okay well can you tell her that we need to make a scedual for when to do the project" "Yeah sure but ummmm did Lele tell you that she lives hear?" "Yeah she texted me her adress" LIE!!!! Okay if he wants to lie i can lie to "really?! That's strang because Lele doesn't have a phone" he stayed silent and i stare him right in the eye "okay okay i followed her because she doesn't talk I don't even know how her face looks like and she always wheres those over size sweaters and it covers her face and body" well he confesed thats all i wanted "geez i wonder why she dosent want to show her face or body.....but if i had to guess it would be because you make this really creepy perverted face when you look at a girls body" i can already tell that i suprised him "um....anyways what are you to Lele a sister? You look like my age so i know you are not her mom" shit shit shit....what im i supposed to say!!! "Im her Cosen i am from out of town" "Whats you're name?" "my name its Abby?" well that came out more like a question then a statement "well Abby how about you put that gun away and go on a date with me?" oh shit i forgot about the gun! "Oh yeah sorry about the gun i an over protective about Lele and about the is not a good idea because i leave tommorow and even if we do go its not going to go anywhere" i am such a good lier i am pretty proud about that "oh okay that's fine um...well will you talk to Lele about the project and also it was really nice meeting you" with that he leaves and walkes away...

Wazzup i hope you enjoyed that somewhat awkward conversation talk to you guys later PEACE!

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