t h r e e

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nichol-ass: so youre really a guy

nichol-ass: and not amanda

nichol-ass: if this is a joke its cruel bc im heartbroken

me: i never said that i was a guy

me: and we've been over the fact that i am not amanda

nichol-ass: you said your name was lex

me: and it is

nichol-ass: thats a guys name

me: not if it's short for alexa.

me: you close-minded asshat.

nichol-ass: i never even thought of that

nichol-ass: im so sorry

nichol-ass: will you forgive me

me: i don't even know you, why do you care?

nichol-ass: bc youre still talking

me: i don't know why, nicol-ass.

nichol-ass: is that what im in your phone as

nichol-ass: thats not fair

nichol-ass: you dont know me lex

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