f o u r

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nichol-ass: leeeeexxxx

nichol-ass: alexaaaaa

nichol-ass: answer me im lonely

me: no fucking shame in your fucking triple text, bruh.

nichol-ass: so youre not 12

me: no, no i'm not nichol-ass.

nichol-ass: thank fucking god

me: why do you keep texting me?

me: we've already established that i'm not amanda/mandy.

nichol-ass: bc i got your number

nichol-ass: not hers

nichol-ass: why do you keep replying

me: because you keep texting, not texting back is very rude.

nichol-ass: aw so youre nice 😍

me: yeah, i guess you could say that.

nichol-ass: youre the nicest girl i know alexa

me: it's lex, nichol-ass. don't forget it.

nichol-ass: trust me i wont 😉

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