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nichol-ass: what part of ohio are you in beauty

me: columbus, why?

me: nick?

me: did you die?

nichol-ass: nope just booked a ticket

nichol-ass: to columbus, ohio

me: are you fucking serious, nick? when?

me: i'm not mentally prepared for this, omg. <3

nichol-ass: i leave friday

me: when do you go back?

nichol-ass: sunday dont worry i have a hotel too.

me: i can't wait to meet you nick.

me: but i just, i can't even explain how happy i am.

nichol-ass: im excited to meet you too

me: but three days, tf.

nichol-ass: but three days before you see me

me: truuuu.

nichol-ass: get some sleep

nichol-ass: then itll be two

me: goodnight nickynoodle.

nickynoodle: goodnight beautiful

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