e i g h t

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me: why do you have to be so sweet?

me: i'm trying not to want to talk to you, but i do.

me: and it's weirding me out cause you could be a fifty year old serial killer.

nichol-ass: youve seen my picture beauty.

me: and i can get a picture of megan fox off the internet and send it to some random guy.

me: he wouldn't know the difference.

nichol-ass: but i didnt do that 😂

nichol-ass: youre too paranoid beautiful.

me: but i'm so serious, how do i know for sure?

nichol-ass: meet me of course

me: ofc you would say that.

me: but i am seriously thinking about it.

nichol-ass: are you really

me: yes. where do you even live, nick?

nichol-ass: michigan.

me: i'm in ohio. 😫

nichol-ass: ill make it work

nichol-ass: dont you worry that pretty little head off.

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