Domen Prevc - Time after time (Part 1)

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Author: wellingerandreas 
Pairing: Domen Prevc x Reader (Y/N)
Warnings: this one is so basic so I'm sorry
Word Count: 819  


 Fight after fight. This is how you could describe yours realtionship with Domen in the last month. You guys have been fighting all the time, sometimes about real things, sometimes about stupid little things. From being in a happy realtionship you came to the screaming and not wanting to see him. It was a day since you guys had another fight, a day since he left because he needed some time for »himself«. You knew this wouldn't end well. You heard footsteps and the door opened. He came in and you looked at him. He has been drinking all night. The first thing that came to your mind was »did he cheat?« He came closer to you. »We need to talk« was all he said. You sat on the sofa and so did he.
»You were drinking again« you said to him.
»Why are you so surprised« he said back, a little rude.
You looked at your knees, you knew he has been partying since you guys were fighting. This parites were the biggest reason why all the fights started.
»What do you wanna talk about?« you asked, not looking at him.
You knew what he will say.
»I think we need a break« he answered.
»A break?« now you looked at him.
»Yeah, like not breaking up. But a break. We need some time to be alone. Maybe to meet new people« he said, with smile on his face?
»So you are saying we should take a break, so you could go around and kiss other girls and when you will get tired of them you will come back to me?« you said.
He wanted to say something but you didn't let him,
»well you know what. Since you want a break. I'm giving you the real break. I'm breaking up with you« you finished and stood up.
»I didn't mean it like that« he said, now with regret in his voice?
»And I did. I will come pick up my clothes tomorrow. And I will bring you yours too. Make sure you won't be home because I don't wanna see you anymore« you said and left his room.
»Y/N, you are already leaving?« his mom asked.
You didn't answer anything, it was kinda rude but she would understand. You went back home. When you came at your house, your parents asked you about Domen, they knew you guys had problems. But honestly you were not ready to talk about it so you ignored them and went to your room. You picked all his clothes and put them in a box. And there was your favourite shirt, you wanted to give it back to him but liked it too much so instead of putting it in the box you put it under your pillow. Just in case if you will miss him too much. After you picked up all his clothes you took a shower and went to bed. But you couldn't sleep because most of the time Domen was sleeping beside you, even if you were figthing he came to your bed. But not this night. You pulled his shirt and hugged it really tight. After two hours you were finally sleeping. Next day you woke up at 8am, got ready and went to his house. You knew he shouldn't be home beacause of training. And you were hoping he didn't skip it. But then again, why would he skip it, he didn't really care about you anymore? You knocked on the door and his mom opened the door. When she saw you, she hugged you.
»I'm sorry« she said, but why was she sorry?
She didn't do anything.
»Is he home?« you asked.
»He left 10 minutes ago« she answered.
You nodded. You went to his room and when you opened the door you saw that his room was a mess. His table was broken, his picture of you and him was lying on the floor. You picked it up. You were hoping that you won't cry today but it was impossible. Tears were already streaming down your face. You guys were together for 2 years and you loved him. But he didn't. You put box with his clothes on his bed and started packing up your clothes. Lucky there was not a lot of them since you guys were always at your place. You were about to leave when you heart footsteps. You saw Domen and he was not alone. Of course he wasn't. He was with her, his ex. So he left you for her? You wiped away the tears from your face and walked out of his room. When he saw you, he froze.
You looked at him and said »some people can move to new person eally fast, i see«.
»It's not what it looks like« he started,
»I don't care anymore, have fun« you said and ran out of his house.  

All the love, Anja. 

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