Domen Prevc - Time after time (Part 2)

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Author: wellingerandreas 
Pairing: Domen Prevc x Reader (Y/N)
Warnings: i don't know happy endings okay
Word Count: 2017
Meanings: Y/N – your name, Y/B/N- your best friends name, Y/2F – name of second friend, Y/3F- name of third friend


  It has been a week since you broke up with Domen. He called. He called you only once! So much of »It's not like it looks like«. Was it hard for you? Well breaking up with someone that you had beside you for 2 years isn't the easiest way but this was what he wanted. You were in your room watching your favourite movie and easting ice cream. You heard knock on your door. You stopped the movie and invited whoever was in front of the door in. In your room came your best friend Y/B/N.
»Y/N enough of crying over him. Tonight we are going out and you are going with us!« she said and sat on your bed.
»I don't know if..« you started, »no ifs, you are going!« your friend didn't let you finish.
»Okay, okay« you gave up.
»YES! Girls she is going with us!« Y/B/N said little louder and Y/2F and Y3/F came in your room.
»Finally! We let Y/F/N to talk to you because she is the only one who could make you go. And we were right« said Y/2F.
»So where are we going?« you asked.
»There is a party down your street. But because of your not moving on you couldn't know. The party is in the house of this hot guy I met last week and he totally invited us« said Y/B/F.
»Invited you« you correcred her.
»I said us!« she said and looked at you kinda mad.
»I said I'm going, don't look at me like that« you said back and stood up from your bed.
»I need to get ready then?« you asked.
»Of course! And we will help you« they all said in one voice.
Well why the hell did you agree with this? But at least you won't be thinking about him anymore And you could only hope that he wouldn't be there with his friends. Your friends picked your outfit, shorts and a shirt that looked more than beautiful on you, well you had to admitt they picked well. As always you put on just a little bit of make up and you were finally ready. »Before we go we need to drink something« said Y/B/N and pulled a bottle of Vodka from her purse. »I will so regret this« you said to yourself. Well before you left the bottle was empty and you were just a little tipsy. This was kinda new for you because you usually didn't drink. But tonight was your night, tonight you were getting over him. Luckly the house was not that far away from your house so you girls walked to the party. The music was so loud that you could hear it from afar. But it was summer time, street was almost empty and no one was making a big deal because of loud music. You girls walked into the house and the party began!
»I will get us some drinks« said Y/2F and walked away.
»And I already need toilet« said Y/3F.
»You better stay with me and don't you dear leave me alone okay!« you shouted to Y/B/N.
»Well if he comes to me I can't promise anything« she shouted back. Well nothing new. None of your friends would stay with you for long so you needed to find a place where you could just sit and wait for them to get over with this party. You were looking around the house. And they you spotted her. Domens ex was here too, so he must be here to. You walked away from living room and went to the stairs. You felt sick knowing that he might be here with her. You opened the first door and walked in. It was emptly room. You sat on the bed and tried to breath. And after some minutes you felt a lot better. When you were trying to leave the room, the door opened and a guy you didn't know his name walked in the room.
»Wow, what is a girl like you doing in my room?« he asked and smiled.
Well you had to admit he was kinda cute.
»Didn't feel well so i needed some time for myself I guess« you answered. »And are you okay now?« he said and walked little closer to you.
»Yeah I was just about to leave« you said back.
»Well you don't have to leave. My name is Erik« he said and offer you his hand.
Well he was being nice?
»I'm Y/N. Nice to meet ya« you said and shook his hand.
»You said you were about to leave? You own me one dance since you were in my room without having permission« he said and winked.
Well, why not? You smiled and grabed his hand. If you wouldn't be drunk you wouldn't do this, but alcohol is alcohol. Erik opened the door for you so you thanked him and walked out of his room. You didn't look where you were walking and you bumped into someone. And yes that someone was no one else than Domen.
»Y/N?« he said surprised and than looked at your hand which was holding Eriks hand.
»Wow and I was the one who was moving on fast?« he smirked at you.
»It's none of your business«you said rudely back and walked away from him. »And this was..« started Erik, »My ex boyfriend« you finished for him.
»Oh so you are newly single?« Erik smiled.
»Yeah I am but don't get any hopes. I'm not really looking for someone« you answered.
»Don't worry I got someone else on my mind« Erik defended himself.
»But lets dance now and make your ex boyfriend a little more jealous. Lets show him what he let go of« he said and grabed your waist.
Was this a good idea? Even tho you and Domen were not together anymore you knew that he couldn't watch someone else holding you or touching you. Or maybe now he can? He said he needed a break so he was okay with you seeing other boys before you actually broke up with him. You were trying to push Domen out of your mind and it kinda worked. You started to feel the music and started to dance with Erik. His hands were all over you and maybe you didn't enjoy it as much as Erik did but like Erik said befor lets make Domen jealous. You didn't want to look his way but you wanted to know if he is watching. Was this working?
»I think this is working« Erik said and it was like he was answering your question.
»Lets try something else« he said and out of nothing kissed you.
Was he a good kisser? Honestly you couldn't answer beause your heart was pouding like crazy, this was so wrong. On your surprise this kiss ended sooner that you though and next thing you saw was Erik lying on the floor.
Everything went quiet. Everyone was looking at you, Erik and Domen.
Well he was drunk.
»Bro as I know she was single, you let her go so she can be mine now« Erik said back and stood up.
Domen looked at you and said »can we talk«. »Man you are drunk« said one of his friends and tried to take him away from you. »No I'm okay« he answered back.
»Guys I will talk to him. He will be alright« you smiled at them.
»I'm sorry Erik« you said »and thank you« added so only he could hear you.
He winked at you and let you go talk to Domen. You guys walked out of the house to the back garden. You sat on the stairs and waited. He didn't say anything. He was just looking away from you and usually he did this when he was angry. So he was angry at you?
»So will you talk or should i leave? Again?« you asked him. »No don't leave« he said and his voice was shaking.
»Then talk Domen. Just standing there won't change anything« you said and stood up.
»I don't know what to say. I don't know how to start« he said and looked at you. You just shook your head and wanted to walk away. But he didn't let you, he grabed your hand and pulled you into his hug. The hug you were missing so much.
»I miss you, I miss you, I miss you« was all he was repeating all the time. And in his voice you could hear that he was crying now.
»I miss you too« you said and hugged him thight.
»You do?« he asked and looked you in the eyes. You just nodded because you knew your voice would break if you would say anything.
»I'm sorry. I'm really sorry for saying that we need a break. We don't. I don't wanna be away from you. Never again. It's too much. I can't see you around othre boys. I can't watch other boys touching what should be only mine. I can't see other boys kissing you. I can't.« he said and tears were sreaming down your face. He did care about you.
And you still care about him, how could you not, you still loved him after all. »Can we try again? Just one more time« and finally he said what you have been waiting for all this time. You just wanted to hear this and you knew you will give him another chance.
»I promise I will do everything to get your trust back« he added.
»Even start cooking?« you said with smile on your face.
»Even start cooking , yes« he smiled back.
»I'm telling your mom that since today you are helping her cook« you added.
»If this means second chance, then I will do it« he answered.

»It does« you said. And finally after a week you felt his lips on yours again. 


All the love, Anja. 

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