Chapter 1 Jealousy

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A/N So this is it. The sequel. Hope you enjoy.


It's been three weeks since the dinner announcing Mycroft and Greg's engagement and Sherlock still had that feeling of jealousy that just kept growing and growing every time he saw John. Little did he know that John wanted so much to drop everything and kiss him, but he knew he couldn't. Sherlock wanted to do the same thing, and probably would even if Mary was around, but he stopped himself every time. Now he sat curled into a ball in his chair looking into the kitchen doing nothing. Bella was coming home from school any second.

"Dad, I'm home!" She called as she walked up the stairs. She walked in to see him laying in his chair, "Dad, have you been laying here all day?" She asked, crossing her arms.


"Dad, this isn't healthy. You need to move, get the blood flowing through your veins. Have you gotten a case yet?"


"Come on, get up!" She said as she tried to pull him from the chair.


"We are going to find you a case!" She said, pulling him by the hand.

"What's the point?"

"See we're getting somewhere, that wasn't a one word response. Now come on! Get up!" She struggled with her father.

"Bella, stop."

"No. What's with you? You've been mopey ever since the dinner at Uncle Mycroft's. Dad that was three weeks ago."

"Bella, stop." He repeated.

"Fine. If you won't find a case then I will." She grabbed his laptop from his desk and began to look through his emails in search of a case. Sherlock's phone began to ring, he made no effort to answer it. She sighed and answered the call, "Yes?"

"Bella, where's Sherlock? We have a case." Greg's voice came from the other line.

"Where?" She asked. He gave her the details of the case, "we're on our way." She told him as she hung, "Come on, we've got a case!" She said excitedly.

Sherlock sighed, knowing he couldn't argue, and got up from his conformable spot to change his clothes. He returned in his normal outfit of a dress shirt and black pants, "Let's go." He said as he forced himself to smile for Bella.

"Do you want me to call John?" She asked.

He shook his head, "No I know someone else to help." He said as he grabbed his coat and walked down the stairs. Bella sighed and followed, reaching him just as a taxi pulled up, "Bart's Hospital." He told the driver who nodded and sped off. Bella knew exactly who he was going to get to help with the case, Molly. She hadn't seen Molly in a while, but she knew one thing, Molly was engaged. Man it seemed like everyone was getting engaged right now, must be something in the air. The cab pulled up to the hospital and Sherlock paid the cabbie as Bella climbed out.

"Are we here to see Molly?" She asked him, knowing full well that was why they were here.

"Yes." He said as he led the way into the building. They headed towards Molly's lab, "Molly, nice to see you." Sherlock said, causing Molly to jump.

"Oh, Sherlock hi." She said as she got up from her chair at her desk, "What brings you two here?"

"I need your help with a case."

"Do you need to see a body at the morgue?"

"No I need you to help me with a case, as in come along with us. I need a partner."

"What about John?" She asked confused.

"He's busy with Mary and work." He said. This confused Bella, they hadn't even asked John to help with the case, why was he saying this?

"Dad, can I talk to you outside?" She asked. He nodded and the walked outside the lab.

"What is it Bella?"

"We never asked John. how do you know he's busy? Are you okay?" She asked worried.

"I-I-I'm fine. Don't worry about me." He said, he then went back into the lab.

Bella sighed and followed him. She knew something was wrong but she couldn't put her finger on it. He's been acting strange since the dinner at Mycroft's but she can't figure out why. Nothing has changed except that John is now with Mary. She then understands, she knows what is wrong, she now knows why he didn't want John to go with them on this case, she understood it all. She didn't say anything, but she would figure out how to help him, she was determined to.

After they left Bart's she pretended that she didn't feel well and Sherlock dropped her off with Mrs.Hudson. She immediately went to her room and grabbed her laptop. She began to type away rapidly. She was trying to think of a plan to help her father.

A/N Okay. Okay I know it was short but the next one will be longer. I just really really wanted ti get this chapter published fore you guys to there you go. doctorwholover out.

Jealousy and Hope (Sequel to Mini Detective) DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now