The White Rabbit: It Appears You've Run Out of Time

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There she is....the great kind queen! Ha! ahahahahahahahahahah!!! I will kill her for all she has done to me, to my friends...her time has run short!

I push my way through the crowd. twitching to the beat of my watch...tick tock tick tock. I make eye contact with her and tap my watch. Hopping out, I hope she follows so I can get my revenge on the Queen of Hearts. I leap out of the castle into the courtyard which causes dust to swirl around me. After a few minutes tick by, tick tock...tick... she walks out and stops in front of me. She stares at me looking me up and down, looking over my mangled fur and wide, blood shot eyes.

"Look, I know you're upset and angry, but I want to change, I w-" I stopped her from speaking, "T-There is no use talk-king, you are o-o-out of of tim-me. Even if yo-you weren't, you wou-wouldn't be able to con-convince me to forg-g-give you. You stole a-and hurt every-ryone and everything I had-d and you wa-want me to show-w-w you mercy?" I inch closer to her getting ready to attack her. TOhis is it my moment to get revenge! I leap at her but someone grabs me in midair. I look up and get ready too fight who ever had grabbed me. It was the Mad Hatter. He stared down at me with her crazed green eyes and set me down. " Do not attack her. We can work all this out another way. You will be no better then her if you do.

I instantly hopped away not wanting to deal with him. I would get that bloody queen later on, when he isn't there... the Red Queen thanked the Hatter and explained where she was going and how she wanted to save Alice and was very sorry for what she had done to us all. "I will join you on your journey then. Alice and I were very close, so if there is a way to save her I want to help." the Hatter said as he starts to stroll down the dirt road.

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