The Mad Hatter:Don't Hurt Your Queen or You'll Go Mad

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Me and Her Majesty walk down a dirt road not uttering a word to each other. The air was thick with fog and the ground covered with dew. I focus on every little sound because almost everyone would be after the Red Queen. Now listen, I'm not here to protect her because I forgive her. Not at all, I'm angry at her like everyone else is. But Alice is more important to me then revenge, I don't want to fight or hurt anyone else. I just want to save my best friend, if it's even possible at this point.

Out of all of the people the Queen has locked up ,surprisingly I have stayed the most mentally stable. Funny, huh? Even in my torn up and grungy striped pants and once bright bow tie, that is now dulled, I have stayed the same... even through out the cold lonely nights, the thought that we could all get out filled me with hope. And now I'm out!

We walk along the dirt path, the sun is starting to set and it's getting pretty dark. We keep walking until we hear a shuffle in the bushes on either side of us. Two small figures emerge onto the path facing us, about 10 yards away. I instantly recognized them, Twiddle dee and Twiddle Dum. Twiddle Dee looks nervous and stayed close to his twin and Twiddle Dum just glared at the Queen. I stepped in front of the queen to protect her from their attacks. They mumble something to each other and they seemed to be disagreeing. Twiddle Dum seemed to be annoyed or aggravated, while Twiddle Dee looked disappointed with his other half. The Queen of Hearts stepped around me and looked the pair over. The two twins were dirty and look almost exactly the same. They both have orangish brown hair and dark eyes, they were both wearing overalls and an eye patch, one with a heart and the other a diamond. Twiddle Dum was grinning and glaring at us with a murderous rage in his eyes but Twiddle Dee on the other hand looked sad and was even tearing up. She spoke with a hint of guilt creeping into her words, "I'm so sorry, for everything and I want to help you. Are you two okay, do you need anything?"

They just stared at us until Twiddle Dum's eyes snapped over to meet mine,"Why are you with her, are you helping her?!?" Twiddle Dee stared at his brother before he muttered, "Maybe she really did change, maybe she wants to help us." Twiddle Dum sneered, "If your so keen on standing up for them, then just go with them and leave me be." Me and the queen stared at the brothers. We've seen them argue before, but never to this extent. Twiddle Dee's eyes widened to the size of saucers as he stared at his counter part, "No, I want to stay with you brother." Twiddle Dum smirked, " Then be quiet and help me." He swiftly pulled out a sharp knife, light glinting off the blades tip, and charged out the Red Queen. Twiddle Dee yelled at him to stop and The Queen of Hearts gasped and stumbled back.

I lunged towards him and grabbed his arm. I twisted his wrist so he dropped his weapon. I stared him in the eye and said in a hushed tone, " Don't hurt your Queen or you'll go mad." I let go of his arm and grabbed the blade from the ground. I started walking away from the twins and I heard the queen quickly follow me. All that was said for the rest of the trip was an almost silent," Thank you."

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