2. The Accident

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Third period. This hour always seems to last the longest no matter what class it is. This year, my third period class is none other than Chemistry, which I hate. It's probably due to the fact that I'm absolute trash when it comes to any kind of science.

I've been sitting in this class for a half an hour and it already feels like an eternity. Tapping my pen on my paper, I tune out the teacher and stare blankly ahead. I'm not sure how long I stay that way but I'm brought out of my trance when the bell rings and I practically fall out of my seat.

Before I have a chance to stand up and dip out of class, the teachers calls me to her desk along with Avery Benson, the school's very own brainiac. We both make our way up to the desk of the teacher wondering what she could possibly want from us.

"Hello, I have a proposition for you two," she immediately dives in, "seeing as Ms. Sanders here seems to be a very academically promising student despite her science grades and you've never scored anything less than perfect, I'll give you two extra credit for tutoring and being tutored"

Avery runs his hand through the tousled hairs sticking out from the front of his beanie thinking hard about the deal. He seems to come to an agreement with it because he turns toward me and speaks, "I'm cool with it are you?"

Was I really? I didn't want to spend my time with some kid I didn't know who would most likely treat me like a child due to his superior knowledge. This kid was literally a genius. And though I wasn't dumb, there was no way I could keep up with him.

But then again I couldn't really afford to get anymore C's if i hoped to get a good scholarship. College was expensive and I knew my mom didn't have enough money to completely pay for my schooling so I tried to make it easy on her.

"Yeah, sure," I decide quickly as they're both waiting for me.

"Okay, well I'd suggest starting today since Amelia failed to pay attention and there's a test tomorrow"

"I'm free now if you are," Avery says directed towards me as I groan. Lunch is not the time for science. It's the time for food and making fun of the cheerleaders who think they're too good for life while they prance around the lunchroom in their skirts that barely cover their behinds.

Avery simply laughs at my groan as the teacher looks at me appalled, "I'll take that as a yes, find me at lunch"

With that he walks out of the room as I trail behind him. I walk to my locker and notice someone at the locker next to mine. Suspicion creeps up on me considering that the locker was vacant all last year and whoever was by my locker was certainly not a freshman.

As I step to my locker I realize that it's none other than Wesley. I instantly look away before he has a chance to see me watching him. After emptying some of the contents of my bag, I swing my bag up to toss it onto the top row of my locker. However, because I have the grace of a giraffe I manage to hit Wesley's locker with my bag causing it to swing forward and hit him in his perfectly symmetrical face. A loud crack seems to echo the hallway causing me to freeze.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god," I mumble as I rush over to him and see his nose violently bleeding as he silently looks at me with a murderous glare. The scene looked like something out of a horror movie with the blood and his angry eyebrows looming down at me in shame. I feel the sudden urge to faint at the sight and the smell of blood, "I'm going to throw up."

"Calm down it's just blood and you did this!" Wesley yells at me pulling his shirt up to catch the falling blood droplets on his black tee shirt. I begin to feel even more nauseated at the sight and start to sway feeling myself getting dizzy. Wesley looks a mix of angry and disturbed. Oh man I'm going to pass out or possibly die.

"You better not pass out, I'll leave you on the floor," he threatens as he glares at my unstable state, "I'm being serious" Is the last thing I heard as the world fades out on me.


Am I dead?

"No, you're not dead drama queen" I heard a deep voice huff beside my ear making me flinch and open my eyes.

Throwing my head up as I sit I see Wesley sitting next to me with what looks to be tampons sticking out of his nostrils. Despite the circumstances, I can't help but laugh at the sight before me. He still looks unnaturally gorgeous but the cotton in his nose makes him look years younger. I try to conceal my laughter with my hands but fail.

Seeing my obvious amusement, he begins to fume looking at me angrily, "This isn't funny!" his eyes darken before he looks away ignoring me.

How am I supposed to take him seriously when he has tampon strings hanging from his nose? He looks like a god damn joke, bad boy my ass. A million nicknames are running through my head making it even harder for me to stop laughing, "I'm sorry but why?" I manage to push out in between giggles pointing to his face.

"The nurse ran out of cotton and wouldn't let me handle it myself" he mumbles still not looking my way.

A young woman comes out of the back closet and smiles when she sees me, "You're awake, how are you feeling?"

"Fine." I say hoping to get out of here.

"That's great, but I think you should go home still," She examines me with a worried look.

"I'm fine, I promise" I step off the table to show her I'm able to fully function my body. I definitely can't afford to miss even more class than I already have.

"Well alright, if you're sure" she still seems unsure, "I'm going to have Wes take you to your class alright"

"I can make it by myself."

I really do not want to walk to class with Wesley. After hitting him in his face earlier there's no way that he's not plotting my murder at this exact moment. Wesley's been back at school for one day and I've already managed to get on his bad side.

"This is my condition, if not you'll have to just go home."

There's no way I can go home without missing a ton of work. Huffing I quietly nod turning to Wesley who seems to be completely unamused.

"Really, she assaults me, passes out leaving me to drag her almost lifeless body here, and I have to take her to class?" He complains.

"Who's the drama queen now?" I mumble earning me a glare. Oops.

"Yes now get going," the nurse laughs while she shoos him while he just glares at her. These two seem to know each other judging by how they speak to each other. Deciding not to meddle, I stand up and motion Wesley out the door hoping he follows without protest.

Hearing the sound of footsteps behind me, I quicken my pace not wanting to be any later than I already am.

When we reach my class door I turn around awkwardly not knowing what to say or do. He seems to feel the same way as he switches between feet and reaches up to scratch the back of his head. When he reaches up his shirt moved exposing his light happy trial and defined abs.

"Staring is rude, babe." Wesley grabs my chin forcing me to look up at him causing me to blush at the fierce look in his eyes.

"I wasn't staring at you, get over yourself." I manage to spit out in anger once I regain composure of myself. Turning on my heels I duck into class to avoid embarrassing myself any further. That boy is a wet dream. 


Polariod of Francisco Lachowski who plays Wesley Royal.

Song: Stressed Out by TwentyOne Pilots

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