3. The Rumor

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"Mom, I'm home," I yell entering my home closing the front door behind me.

"I'm in here Lia!" I hear my mother yell from the kitchen. Walking in I see her standing in front of a pot dancing as mainstream radio songs play in the background. Looking around I see the ingredients for spaghetti set on the counter.

Spaghetti? Dancing? My mom was unusually happy and I was going to get to the bottom of it.

"What are you on?" I ask while eyeing her suspiciously perching myself on the counter next to her.

"I can't just be happy? It has to be drugs? I couldn't have just had a great day at work?" She asks with a hint of disapproval in her voice.

I frown at her, "No, now spill."

"Fine, I made a friend today and we're going out to dinner later," she says hesitantly looking at me waiting for my reaction. Believe it or not I was actually happy for her.

I was the result of an affair when my father cheated on his wife with my mother in a one night stand. I was one hundred percent a believer in once a cheater always a cheater but my father was different. My father already had a family and a life that he couldn't just give up for us but he managed to still be in my life and I was grateful. I didn't hold a grunge against him or his wife and daughter since it wasn't their fault. My mom explained to me that what happened between her and my father was a mistake but I wasn't. Not to either of them. But in all of my 17 years my mother has never had a boyfriend or a "friend" so I was surprised but happy for her.

"Interesting," I joke teasingly, "But if you're going on a date why are you cooking?"

"The food is for you and it's not a date," Considering the way she begins blushing at my words I don't believe her a bit but I'll let it slide.

"Alright, well I'll take over here. Go get ready." I shoo her away setting the noodles in the pot of boiling water.

"Okay, love you sweety. Call me if you need me alright?" She looks at me worried I simply smile and nod.

"Wear my red dress!" I yell as she heads up the stairs, "You'll look smoking hot"

Finishing up dinner I sit at the table and take out my homework. Why do teachers give so much homework on the first day of school? I'll never understand it. After finishing my meal and homework I go upstairs and do my night routine to get ready for bed. Once I'm settled down I hear my phone ring on my night stand signaling a FaceTime call. Walking over to my phone I see my older sister Blaire calling me. Blaire's my sister on my dad's side and considering the fact we grew up in completely different households, we're completely different. Sliding the bar over I'm greeted with her face right against the screen.

"What's up?" I ask her wondering why she's calling me so late.

"Is Wesley Royal really back in town?"

Seriously. Why is everyone so worried about this boy. Sure he's cute but from what I saw today, he's a total asshole.

"Yeah, what's the deal with him anyways?"

"You're telling me you've been living here for a year and still don't know about God's gift to men and women, Wesley Royal!" She yells into the screen sounding shocked.

"I don't pay attention to drama you know that." I sigh as I begin braiding my hair out of boredom.

From there I was given the full run down on Wesley. Wesley Royal in short was the town's bad boy. Everyone knew who he was. He smoked, drank, got in fights, and had no regards for authority or anyone else for that matter. Well at least that's what the rumors said. Was there more than that to Wesley?


"I said oh give it a rest, I could persuade you I'm not your typical, stoned 18 year old give me a night I'll make you!" My alarm clock goes off waking me up from my oh so blissful sleep. Sleepily sitting up I consider my options. Go to school? Not go to school? Going against my better judgement and I stand up and get ready for the day.

Once I manage to stop being lazy, I hop in the shower washing away all the filth of the day before. I decide to just throw on a pair of light-wash jeans along with a plain white long sleeved t shirt. After brushing my teeth and hair I slip on my Adidas and walk out of the door to my car. The drive to school is the same as always as I sing and dance along to the radio preparing myself for the boredom of the day.

Parking my car, I grab my belongings and step out. On my way to the front doors I notice several students glancing at me and whispering as if I don't notice. Ignoring the rude behavior of the student body, I continue the journey to my locker where I see none other than Wesley standing with two boys as they seem to all be joking around with each other.

Opening my locker I see Wesley looking at me with that permanent smirk that seems to stay on his face. "Watch out guys, she's been known to use her bag as a weapon"

The students staring at me and Wesley's childish comment cause me to lose my cool, "Only to rude assholes," I smile at him. If he's going to be an ass I am too.

He looks shocked at my response but quickly recovers, "Talking about my ass now baby? Not in front of my family."

I scoff at his nastiness and turn to walk away but not before tripping on his outstretched boat sized foot. Right before I face plant in the floor he grabs me by my waist and pulls me towards his rock hard body. My breath is knocked out of me and I'm not sure if it was from the impact or how close I was to Wesley. I could feel each inch of his defined body pressing against mine. I feel my face heat up as he looks down at me.

"Is she okay? She looks like a tomato?" I hear from behind where Wesley and I are still connected causing him to drop me on the floor and begin loudly laughing causing the attention of the whole hallways to turn to us. Standing up I see Wesley and one of the boys laughing while the other looks guilty. Probably the one who insulted me.

I quickly stand up and dusting myself off I march away from Wesley and the rest of his goon squad holding on to the sliver of pride I have left. Upon reaching the door of Health, I notice Camille standing in front of the door talking in hushed tones to a group of girls. As I try to slide by she grabs my hand and drags me away from the group. Once she decides she's put enough distance between us and everyone else, she stops in her tracks and looks me dead in the eyes.

"I can't believe you didn't tell me! I mean I know I get a little over excited sometimes but I thought we were friends and -" I stop her before she has a chance to continue her rant.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I ask while looking at her dry heaving body and crazed eyes.

"You're dating Wesley Royal."


Polariod of Kendall Jenner who plays Camille Fernandez

Song: Rumor Has It by Adele

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