5. The Talk

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A week. It's been a whole week and the school is still talking about Wesley and I. New rumors are coming up every day and they seem to be getting crazier as the days pass by.

I spent the weekend at my father's house complaining to Blaire about everything that has happened. I told her about how much of a jerk Wesley is and what I'm going through because of him. Her being her, suggested that I have sex with him along with many other colorful ideas. After a weekend of listening to my older sister I was practically running out of her car when she dropped me off at school this morning.

It was now lunch and I'd managed to continue ignoring Wesley for the rest of last week and all week today. I'm furious at him. Who does he think he is saying that to everyone. I didn't even think he knew how to smile let alone make a joke, a very terrible one at that. Why was Wesley Royal targeting me? I'm a nice girl, I do community service, and visit my old grandparents. I don't deserve this! There are thousand of kids at this school and he doesn't even know me, I'm sure he could find someone else to bully with his angry eyebrows and lack of emotion.

What I really wanted from him was an apology. Who says something like that about someone they barely know? Sure, a few inconvenient instances caused us to get thrown together but that doesn't mean anything. I don't want to be his friend. I didn't want to be his anything. Maybe I should steer clear of him. He's trouble, that's made itself apparent. Yeah, no more Wesley.

"So how was your weekend?" Avery asks while shoving curly fries in his mouth sitting across from me and next to Camille. We'd started hanging out at lunch whether we were studying or not and I actually liked him. He was funny and most importantly listened to me whine about my life. Not only that but him and Cam got along great seeing as they both loved seeing my life go down in flames. I need new friends.

"Dreadful," I sigh "and yours?"

"I actually had a great weekend," He smiles down at his food avoiding eye contact.

"Ooh, what'd you do?" his cheeks fill with a rose colored blush at Cami's comment, "Or who'd you do? You dirty boy you totally got D'd down!"

"Shh! People can hear you," He says looking around making sure no one heard her loud mouth.

"I didn't do anyone, but I did go on a date. Well I think it was a date anyways"

"Liar! Whose penis did you touch?" Camille continues to yell inappropriate words as Avery and I look around to make sure no one can hear the crazy girl's words.

"Who was it with?" I ask suddenly curious at his defensiveness.

"I can't tell you." He mumbles moving his gaze back to his plate.

"Why not?" Over the past week Avery and I had discussed a lot. From school to our home lives to past relationships. That's when I learned that he didn't have a lot of experience with relationships since he was gay and didn't really get out much. It's not like he wasn't out of the closet, gay guys his age just aren't usually as comfortable as he is with their sexuality.

"Because I don't think he's out yet or at least he doesn't seem like the type of guy who'd be out." I drop the subject noticing his uneasy attitude. But that doesn't stop Camille from pressing him. She continued to hound him on his activities while I take the opportunity to ignore her.

I go back to eating my sandwich and doing my English homework. I'm focusing on my work when I notice someone take a seat next to me. Looking over I see it's Wesley and his two cousins sitting down at the table with us. It's like the minute they touch down on the seat the room fill with an empty silence as all eyes land on us.

"What do you want?"I ask angrily in a low voice to Wesley to which he just shrugs as conversation start up around us.

"Hey Avery," Connor says causing Avery to stick his head up so fast I think he might get whiplash.

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