4. The Fight

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Dating Wesley Royal. How did it manage to get around the school that I was dating Wesley Royal? It wasn't true. It wasn't true at all. It would never be true. Wesley was so....ughh.

After Cam asked me if I was dating Wesley I immediately freaked out and yelled no a million different ways. Apparently that's what everyone in school is saying. After asking her how this happened, she explain to me his history. History meaning Wesley was a complete bad boy and nothing but trouble. Nothing new, I heard it before. He'd disappeared last year and that's why the school was freaking out over this rumor.

Wesley Royal didn't have friends and Wesley Royal definitely didn't have girlfriends. He's never had one before despite the rumors of him sleeping with countless women and snatching virginity's but never any form of commitment. The whole school thought that I was sleeping with him. Not only that but they were saying I changed him into a one women man and he was finally in a relationship... with me. Who would even willingly volunteer to have sex with him? He's mean, rude, full of himself, and bound to have at least one STD by now.

I am disgusted.

Stomping to class, my sight sets on Wesley who's sitting in Mr. Royal's desk chair smirking up at the man frowning at him. Watching the two, realization came over me. They were related. How though? Mr. Royal didn't look old enough to be someone's father. His looks easily granted him the ability to be someone's daddy but not father. His strong hands and obviously chiseled body -.Okay Amelia back on track.

Maybe they were brothers. They didn't seem that far from each other in age so yeah that was my guess. Once the bell rang, Wesley stood up and made his way back to me looking annoyed.

"Are you insane or just plain dumb?"

"Excuse me?" Who does this...thug think he's talking to?

"I said. Are. You. Insane. Or. Just. Dumb." He says slowly speaking like I'm some kind idiot.

"What's your issue?" I whisper in frustration trying to advert attention from the two of us.

"My issue is that you're telling people you're my girlfriend which your clearly not because I have standards."

He knew. He fucking knew.

"You need to tell everyone that we're not dating!" I whisper at him while trying to still copy down the notes from the board.

"No! I'm not the one who went around telling people it!"

"I wasn't either!"

Surprise falls over his face at my words, "You're not the one who started the rumor?" He asks narrowing his eyes like he's waiting to catch me in a lie.

"No! Now use your your fan base or whatever the hell it is to tell people that we're not together!" I yell frantically hoping this nightmare will end soon. Sure, Wesley's attractive but he's not a nice person and bad boy is not my type.

Instead of agreeing he leaning back in his chair and props up his legs on my seat. "Why would I do that?" He says innocently.

"Because it's not true!" I grit out trying not to get angry at his sudden unwillingness.

"Really? Is this you breaking up with me? I'm wounded." He pouts turning towards me holding his heart playing the situation up.

This boy is bipolar!

"If you don't tell everyone the truth I'll literally choke you to death" I say as threateningly as I can muster with my small voice. There was no way I could harm Wesley in anyway. He was huge and I'm barely 5'5. Not only that but according to rumors he can and has broken necks with his bare hands.

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