Harry (for Scottie)

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Your heart is beating so fast you think its going to jump out of your chest, your hands are sweating at your sides as you bite your lip in anticipation. In front of you is the love of your life, he isn't looking at you, his brows furrowed as if he is fighting with himself and this scares you. You want to ask him whats wrong but you can't bring yourself to do it. You have been fighting for the last few weeks and this makes you wonder if he has had enough. What if he doesn't love you, what if he wants to break up, what if...

You lose your train of thought as Harry grabs your hand, the coldness of his hand startles you and you jump back pulling your hand with you. Harry looks like you just slapped him in the face, his emerald eyes capture your own as his hand comes up to trace your cheek. The gesture is so loving and caring you lean into it, closing your eyes and capturing this memory. After all it could be the last sweet memory of this relationship.

"Baby, look at me" Harry's hoarse voice whispers. You open your eyes to find him inches away from your face, you can feel his ragged breathing across your lips and you can't help yourself from tracing his lips with your fingertips. Harry shivers involuntarily under your touch.

"I can't do this anymore" 

5 words is all it took for your heart to shatter in half, tears threatened to spill from your eyes but you blink them back, willing yourself to stay strong.

"W-What can't you do?" you ask hesitantly

"I can't fight anymore. You know I love you and only you but every time we fight it kills me. I hate that I hurt you when we argue and its always about silly things. We both get jealous when we are away from each other and it doesn't work which. Us being apart isn't working and that's why--"

You brace yourself, expecting the harsh words to come from your lovers mouth telling you that you need to break up. His eyes are burning into yours with such intensity you can't bear it. Those are the same emerald eyes that sparkle every time he talks about his passions, that hold that mischievous glint when he teases you and those eyes are the ones that gazed at you so softly and loving when you spent your first night together. 

"Err, which is why. Shit! Why is this so hard?" 

Tears spill from your eyes, you can't take it anymore. He is breaking up with you and he is dragging it out which makes it hurt. You just want to get out of there and cry to your sister eating some Ben and Jerrys trying to forget about the amazing times you and Harry have shared over the last 10 months.

"No no no! Scottie, baby why are you crying? I just-- you know I am no good with words when I am nervous and I can't bear it if you say no but I'm just going to say it! Please I want you to moveinwithme"

Your breath catches as his word sink in, he said the last bit so fast but you heard it. "You want me to move in with you?" 

"Yeah" he replies, scratching the back of his neck sheepishly, "but if you don't--"


"Wait what?"

"Harry, I love you and I never want to leave you. I know it hasn't been great lately but I want you and only you. I want to move in with you" you breathe out a smile spreading across your face. Harry's thumbs wipe away the tears from your cheeks his forehead pressed against yours. 

"Baby you light up the world like no body else, the way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed. But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to telllll, you don't know, you don't know your beautiful" Fresh tears escape your eyes as Harry sings to you, his voice is so angelic you could listen to it forever. But at this moment all you want is to feel his lips pressed against yours. You silence him by brushing your lips against his, soft at first until he responds, fireworks lighting up your core. You can't believe that after all that fretting and worry you felt from thinking the worst that all Harry wanted to tell you was that he wanted you to move in. You had been dreaming about living with Harry since the first time you met and now he wanted it too!

Slowly Harry pulls away cradling your head in his hands as he gazes into your eyes and says "I love you so much, I promise to never argue you with stupid thing. I never want to be without out you. Please don't-- don't leave me ever."

"I promise.."

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