Harry (For Amanda)

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Authors Note:

This was like 9 pages on word and 2722 words! WOW!

I don't think I have ever written that much for a One Shot, anyway I hope you enjoy it. I tried to make it longer than usual because Amanda asked me for this about a year ago but I have been inactive on here and I felt super bad so I thought I'd give her a super long one.

It't not fully edited because when I finished writing it I was sooo tired I couldn't bring myself to read over it but I will try to as soon as I can :D

I hope you like it and if you do, please don't hesitate to VOTE, COMMENT OR FOLLOW ME! It would honestly mean the world if you could.

I'm keeping this short so yeah byeeeeeeeeeeeeee xoxo


As you stood on your porch you noted what a gorgeous spring morning it was. The air crisp and the breeze light as it teased your long brown locks... such a perfect day. You were a sucker for spring. Mainly for one reason, Harry.

Every spring since Freshman year your best friend had promised to stay with you during his spring break but his dad always ended up taking him on a father-son bonding trip. This year, his dad was away on business and couldn't take Harry with him so he was finally coming to stay and you couldn't wait.

Harry and you had been inseparable since your mothers were neighbours in the maternity ward when you were born. You did everything together, from crawling to speaking and even starting school. There was even a picture of your first day of kindergarten where you were holding hands as you walked in.

But that all changed when his parents went through a divorce and Harry's mother decided to move away from their family home because they were filled with memories that were too painful. That day 4 years go when Harry left is your most painful memory, he was your rock and you were forced to start High School without him. All the people who you thought were your friends from Middle School turned their backs on you when they realised Harry wasn't going to be by your side anymore.

"I've missed you Amanda" a husky voice interrupted your train of thought, warm breath hit your ear as someone leant their head on your shoulder from behind. Harry. At first you didn't respond, too enthralled by his masculine scent, his long hair brushing your bare shoulder and his arms winding their way around you pushing his muscular body against yours.

"Cat got your tongue or what?" he chuckled. It was only then you realised you hadn't said anything to him. Clearing your throat, you turned so that you were facing him, your brown eyes met Harry's shimmering emerald ones and it instantly brought a smile to your face.

His photographs on Facebook and his snapchats didn't do him any justice. Those gorgeous eyes and cheeky, breath-taking smile were the same as when you were young but what was new were those tattoos. Seeing them in person made your heart pound. You loved when a guy had tattoos. That paired up with his long hair and ripped skinny jeans made you want to melt into a puddle right there.

"Harry, long time no see" you said somehow managing to sound normal although inside you were screaming. He pulled you closer, his arms clung to your waist, your faces inches apart. So close you could feel his heartbeat under your palm. So close you just needed move your face a fraction and your lips would collide with his luscious, pink ones. You blushed at the last thought. Pushing at his chest and turning your head away from him in one quick movement so he couldn't tease you for turning into an embarrassing shade of red.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2016 ⏰

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