Niall (for Lucy)

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  • Dedicated to @NaughtyButNiall

You attempt to hold back the tears as you run out of you car to the house that has become your second home over the last 8 years. That's how long you have been best friends with Niall and only he can help you right now. The once clear skies darken as rain begins to fall down heavily while you ring the doorbell impatiently hoping Niall is home alone. You couldn't bare it if his parents saw you like this, you knew as soon as you saw Niall you wouldn't be able to hold these tears in anymore. You begin to tap your foot impatiently as you wait for someone to open the door. Maybe no one is home? I mean you didn't call beforehand but Niall hadn't told you he had plans so you just assumed he was home. Trying one more time you ring the doorbell counting to 60; still no answer. 

Defeated you back away towards your car, after everything that had happened tonight you need Niall and knowing he can't comfort you causes you to you break down. Your head leans against the window on the passenger side as tears wrack through your body, turn as you slowly slide down you car you end up on the floor. You don't care that the rain is pelting your face, you just want everything you saw today to go away. 

"Lucy? LUCY!" says the voice you have been dying to hear. Looking up through your wet eyes you see that head of blonde hair and aimlessly reach out your hands in front of you. Suddenly you are lifted up, arms still outstretched until he guides them around his neck, you whimper quietly as you lean your head into the crook of his neck. 

"Lucy what happened? Why are you in out here crying?" he asks gently as he carries you bridal style into his house. "Lu please, tell me who did this and I'll kill em, I swear I'll kill em for makin' you cry. Was it that piece of shit boyfriend of yours?" 

Unable to speak you just nod slowly as he lowers you onto the loveseat. "Awh Lu, I told you he was no good. I hope you dumped him.. If I ever see him I'm having words with him, I told him- I told that m*therf*cker I'd ave his head if he hurt you!" he spat venomously. It was times like these you wished Niall was your boyfriend but you knew that wasn't going to happen, he thought of you like a sister and it killed you that he didn't feel the same. That's why you started dating Danny 4 months ago. You hoped that if you started dating someone you would get over Niall or that Niall would get jealous and declare his love for you. Well that plan didn't work. 

Breathing slowly you tried to tell Niall what happened but all that you could manage was "He, Danny I. Sophia...saw. Broke up. Why?!"

"Luce do not tell me you saw him with Sophia.." a sob shook through your body. Niall responded by wrapping his arms around you tighter as he gently rocks you back and forth. "Forget him, he isn't worth your time Lucy. You need someone who loves you and cares for you. Someone who will be there for you when you're sad, who can make you laugh when you're about to cry, someone who isn't afraid to be seen with you and someone-- just someone who reminds you how breathtakingly beautiful you are inside and out."

You chuckle lightly to yourself, Niall had just described himself and he didn't even know it. The thought caused more tears to spill from your eyes. "Why are you still crying? Maybe because don't want me to do this.."

You immediately stop crying and end up trying to gasp for breath. Niall is tickling you mercilessly, he knows all your weak spots and isn't stopping. "Niall, please. I- I can't breathe!"

"Oh yeah, then how are you talking if you can't breathe?" That was such a Niall answer you start struggling against him trying to push him off but he is too strong. You push harder and harder against him until you both topple over the loveseat and onto the floor. 

Lying on top of him you stare into his piercing blue eyes but the gaze is too intense causing you to look away. Your eyes start to trail across him face until you reach his lips, those luscious, full lips that you have thought about kissing so many times. Subconsciously you begin to drift closer and closer. Running your tongue along your bottom lip you look back up to Niall's eyes and see them darken in lust? No that can't be right..

"Lucy" Niall breathes before he closes the gap between your lips. Your eyes flutter close as you revel in the feel of his warm, soft lips on yours igniting feelings you've never felt before. Wanting nothing more but to deepen the kiss you wrap your arms around his neck, one had gently tugging his blonde locks. Niall's hands travel down to your hips rubbing small circles into your sides, the feeling of his fingers is electric. You can't help but moan when Niall gently bites down on your bottom lip making you arch your back into him needing to be closer to him. 

You both break away breathless, as you gaze into each others eyes. "I- I love you Lucy"


"Lucy I've love you and have loved you since you were that 9 year old girl who pushed my off my bike because I rode over your favourite doll. I know you don't feel the same but--" You cut him off my pressing an urgent kiss on his lips. Breaking away only to say "I love you too Niall, I've loved you forever"

Smiling Niall nuzzles his head into your neck, "I love you so much Lucy."

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