Zayn (for Perrie)

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You smile at your boyfriend from across the stage, your heart bursting with pride as he sings his solo in front of all his screaming fans. This was the first time you had seen him perform and you were gobsmacked with how talented he was. You knew he could sing because you had heard him on the radio, he was in a band called One Direction, but you were not expecting this. Seeing him sing live, with a band playing behind him and the whole arena on their feet singing along to him was just the best thing in the world.

The song ended and the boys ran off stage for their costume change. When Zayn ran past you he winked making you blush, the effects he had on you even after 6 months was crazy. He still made you feel like that nervous girl on the first date, he still gave you those butterflies and he made you feel like you were the only girl in the world. He made you feel loved.

Grinning to yourself you spun around in a circle with your arms outstretched in the air, this may seem weird but it was something you always did when you were happy and content. You feel lips brush against you neck and those goosebumps that appear are all you need to know that its Zayn. You turn slightly to face him, your arms hugs his waist as you step onto your tip toes to press a kiss against his full lips. He responds with a smile as he pulls you into him. Before you can deepen the kiss Zayn pulls away regretfully. 

"Sorry baby, we have to go on now but I'll be singing all of the songs to you. Love you Perrie" he says as he back away towards the stage. The next few songs were amazing, it was times like these where you wondered how you had got so lucky. Not only was Zayn amazingly talented, he was sweet and funny not to mention extremely gorgeous! Someone tapped you on the shoulder. "Oh hey Eleanor!"

"Perrie its good to see you! I was meant to come before but I got caught up but I just need to borrow you for a minute"

"Err ok?" you say confused as she pulls you towards the make up artist. 

"Your outfit is super hot" she says as she motions towards your dark blue skinny jeans and loose floral tank top paired with a cropped leather jacked and studded black heels. "and I just want you to completely stun Zayn when the show ends so I asked Lisa here to just touch up your make up and hair."

This all seemed a little weird but you went along with it, you loved when people did your make up and played with your hair. Both Lisa and Eleanor played around with your hair until it fell in loose curls around your face. Lisa had left your make up natural just like you preferred, using only eye liner, mascara and lip gloss. When they were done you looked in the mirror shocked, you looked like you were glowing and hoped that Zayn would like it.

"Zayn is going to freak when he sees you, you look gorgeous!" Eleanor announced jumping up an down. "Thanks Lisa, come on lets go watch the show"

"Okay! Thank you so much Lisa, one day you have to show me how to make my eyes look like this!" you said and Eleanor dragged you back to the side of the stage. The boys were on their last song before they had their next costume change and it was one of your favourite songs - They Don't Know About us. You couldn't help but think that when Zayn said he was singing each song to me, he meant this one more than the rest. The song fit our scenario perfectly. His fans didn't know about us but I really wanted them to. It was coming to the end of the song Zayn caught your eye and sang 'They don't know about us' and at that point I wanted people to know, I wanted people to know about us. 

"Its time" whispered Eleanor. 


You were so confused but then the music died down and Zayn began to speak "Usually we don't sing that song but it has a special meaning and there is something you guys don't know about." He faces towards you as he beckons you forward, Eleanor gives you a gentle push and you begin to make your way onto stage. 

When you reach Zayn his hand intertwines with your own as he continues "You don't know about us, about me and Perrie. I'd like you all to meet Perrie, my girlfriend. She is the girl I love and I hope you guys love her as much as I do" 

Zayn mouths 'I love you' before he leans in to kiss you. The whole arena erupts into cheers and the rest of the 1D boys wolf whistle. 

"We love you Perrie" someone from the crowd shouts, and suddenly the whole arena is screaming your name, it's so surreal. 

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